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5 Votes

A Basic Comprehensive Guide to the Mid Solo Lane

June 8, 2014 by diggee
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diggee | June 9, 2014 6:39am
SoloBrow wrote:

I would really like a guide that focuses less on the mid lane effecting other lanes, but how other lanes and heroes can affect the mid lane. Something about ganking mid and protecting runes would be really helpful because these are areas where i feel a communal lapse.

Yeah I completely understand what you are trying to say. I am a bit busy these days but as soon as I get the time I will add one(or more) section to my guide about the issues that you have raised. Thanks for the feedback :)
SoloBrow | June 8, 2014 8:49pm
I would really like a guide that focuses less on the mid lane effecting other lanes, but how other lanes and heroes can affect the mid lane. Something about ganking mid and protecting runes would be really helpful because these are areas where i feel a communal lapse.
Xyrus (104) | June 8, 2014 9:04am
ThreadOfFate wrote:

Well this kinda sucks. I was about to release my own mid guide but FUQ DAT XD.

There's no reason not to release your own guide even if it covers the same topic. This guide itself was based partly on another Solo Mid guide. 8{D

Not to mention the benefit to having many guides on the same Hero/Topic is that you'll end up finding things you do differently.

For example, I don't agree that Ranged Mids have a significant advantage in Lane, I think it depends on your Skills more than your Auto-Attack Range. I also don't agree that it's up to the Mid to control the Runes most of the time, it's more the Support/Offlaner's job imo (unless the Mid can use that Rune to get a Kill/Tower/etc.).
ThreadOfFate (14) | June 8, 2014 7:51am
Well this kinda sucks. I was about to release my own mid guide but FUQ DAT XD.
Rudd (3) | April 8, 2014 4:47am
diggee wrote:

Yes, quite some things are already mentioned in Chaq's guide but then like I mentioned right at the start; this guide is for beginners. Chaq's guide is pretty advanced. A beginner really would not understand the RTZ block now, would he? For the same reason, I did not give a link to his guide. Beginners would kinda feel a little lost there. But yes, his guide is definitely the best out there ONCE a person gets the basic hang of mid solo.

First this guide is very flawed, so a beginner should have access to other guides in order to understand the flaws in this one. Second, a beginner can understand the advanved tips in Shaq's guide because it is very well explained in his guide. Unless the beginner is an idiot. For that reason alone you should put a link to Shaq's guide here. But also, if you clearly used Shaq's guide to do your own, its just decent to put the link here, instead of taking full credit for things that aren't your own. And before you argue: yes, clearly using content that isn't yours and not even mentioning the person who did it, is taking credit for something that isn't yours. Thats just distasteful.

diggee wrote:

Lastly, I did not write this guide to get upvoted or get famous or something. It doesnt matter to me; what mattered is that I share my experience and knowledge about mid solo-ing. So no, I dont think I will be putting time in making this more colorful; simply cos I dont have the time and when I do, I prefer to play rather than add colors :)

If you worry so much about sharing "your" experience, then you certainly like the upvotes, because that means more people will see your guide. And its not just about colors, its about making the guide more presentable, giving a well deserve link to Shaq's guide and correcting other mistakes already pointed out. Things like saying Sniper is hard to lane against, or that you always bottle rush, or that you should always buy a bottle, or you should aggro the creep wave as many times as you need to put the creeps on your side are just wrong; and new, unexperienced players will think of it as being the law (thats why you have to be careful about which guides you upvote). But everyone makes mistakes, thats why I said that if you cleaned up your guide I would upvote it :).
diggee | April 5, 2014 12:42am
Rudd wrote:

1st - it was already mentioned. A lot of these things are covered in Shaq's guide and his guide is by far the best one around. So it would be only logical for you to put a link of his guide. If you really want to help people improve, the best way is to make the best information more accessible. This is specially true in this case, since newer players may not be aware of Shaq's guide.

2nd - Sniper isn't hard to lane agains't. If you are ranged, you can avoid his harass early in the lane and sniper damage is very low, so he actually struggles to contest last hits unless he gets a lucky bash. If you are melee, just buy a Stout Shield and laugh at him as he tries to harass you.

3rd - Agroing the creeps to your side multiple times, will end up pushing the lane to your enemy side again. This happens because when you aggro, the enemy creeps aren't attacking, but your own creeps are. So the enemy creeps will die faster. You should mention that.

4th - Its a terrible idea to pick int heroes to go against an outworld devourer. Even if you have a large mana pool, you will end up with enough mana to use only 1 spell. But that doesnt even matter, because you will be destroyed in the lane - you won't be able to last hit or deny any creep since OD will have double your own damage. Strenght heroes aren't good against OD not because they won't have mana in the lane, but because most of them are melee and will get harassed to death.

If you improve the visual quality and put a well deserved link to Shaq's guide, I will definitely be upvoting this.

Yes, quite some things are already mentioned in Chaq's guide but then like I mentioned right at the start; this guide is for beginners. Chaq's guide is pretty advanced. A beginner really would not understand the RTZ block now, would he? For the same reason, I did not give a link to his guide. Beginners would kinda feel a little lost there. But yes, his guide is definitely the best out there ONCE a person gets the basic hang of mid solo.

I agree; repeatedly using creep aggro will push the lane. Going to add that as a word of caution right now.

Lastly, I did not write this guide to get upvoted or get famous or something. It doesnt matter to me; what mattered is that I share my experience and knowledge about mid solo-ing. So no, I dont think I will be putting time in making this more colorful; simply cos I dont have the time and when I do, I prefer to play rather than add colors :)
Rudd (3) | April 1, 2014 1:16pm
1st - it was already mentioned. A lot of these things are covered in Shaq's guide and his guide is by far the best one around. So it would be only logical for you to put a link of his guide. If you really want to help people improve, the best way is to make the best information more accessible. This is specially true in this case, since newer players may not be aware of Shaq's guide.

2nd - Sniper isn't hard to lane against. If you are ranged, you can avoid his harass early in the lane and sniper damage is very low, so he actually struggles to contest last hits unless he gets a lucky bash. If you are melee, just buy a Stout Shield and laugh at him as he tries to harass you.

3rd - Agroing the creeps to your side multiple times, will end up pushing the lane to your enemy side again. This happens because when you aggro, the enemy creeps aren't attacking, but your own creeps are. So the enemy creeps will die faster. You should mention that.

4th - Its a terrible idea to pick int heroes to go against an outworld devourer. Even if you have a large mana pool, you will end up with enough mana to use only 1 spell. But that doesnt even matter, because you will be destroyed in the lane - you won't be able to last hit or deny any creep since OD will have double your own damage. Strenght heroes aren't good against OD not because they won't have mana in the lane, but because most of them are melee and will get harassed to death.

If you improve the visual quality and put a well deserved link to Shaq's guide, I will definitely be upvoting this.
piyopiyo | December 31, 2013 4:26am
Thats a really nice guide !! it helps a lot , thanks !!
diggee | December 15, 2013 6:21am
Well, yeah Sando I do agree colors will make it much better; will do it as sson as I get the time. Ganking before level 6 is possible I agree and I was gonna type that in but somehow just forgot; will add that too.

As for countering OD, the reason I said pick int heroes is that int heroes even after being imprisoned once/twice will still have enough mana for their spammable spells which will allow to them last hit or deal some damage to OD. True, their auto attack damage will decrease; I guess it depends on the player. Moreover Huskar is a very specific hero; other more commonly played strength mid heroes like pudge and magnus struggle pretty bad against OD( I know this since I myself have left pudge short of mana for even one hook on countless occasions) but nonetheless I will add Huskar and Razor as heroes that counter OD.
Sando (118) | December 13, 2013 1:26am
Overall I like the guide, there's some good content in there...would make a few suggestions thou:

- Add some colour, it's fair enough about pictures, but it would really make it easier on the eye.

- Runes. I'd mention about pushing the lane just before the spawn times, gives your an opponent a choice between missing farm or missing the rune. I'd also add that Bottle does depend on the situation - your hero, opponent (if they're much more mobile than you can be pointless) and whether your team has bothered to ward. (unfortunately, it doesn't happen sometimes)

- Ganking. You can gank before 6 sometimes, but it depends on your hero, whether you need your ult to gank effectively, if you can find a great rune etc.

- Outworld Devourer, the only genuinely bad advice in this guide :(. DON'T pick int heroes against him! He steals your mana, and also your damage, making it harder to farm/deny. There are particular heroes who work well against him - e.g. Razor, agi hero with a great, cheap lane control spell. Huskar strength hero who doesn't need mana at all really and has a very strong lane presence.
diggee | December 12, 2013 9:33pm
robmate wrote:

Not a bad guide - but having read Chaq's guide on nunerous occasions, it seems he deserves more than just a shout out. Some of this is just copied word for word.

Having said that, you did provide sone specific examples.

Yes; the part about creep aggro I myself came to know from ChaQ's guide but apart from that mostly it is my own. Thanks for reading and giving feedback :)
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