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A Barrel of Love: A Guide to the Drunk Panda

February 12, 2015 by UnrulySupportGuy
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Dimonychan (43) | October 25, 2014 12:24am

At Eightfold, I stressed his pushing pretty well, I thought. Battle Fury is a fun item, and it's sorely underestimated. Spamming Thunder Clap is probably the best way to screw his mana pool over, and on the chance you have enough mana for his Q you have enough mana for a Split, which allows him to get away just in case you need to make a quick getaway.

Never found myself out of mana for combo after Arcanes and Agh's, and this is considering I don't go mid with him->I don't get my Bottle. With Arcanes+Bottle you can regenerate 205 mana/minute, not counting your native regen, which gives 100+ mana per minute too. This means you can harmlessly use 2 claps per minute, one for each creepwave. Don't know HOW often you should use it to run low, even jungling won't hurt it so badly if you use beer wisely.

And Battle Fury is 100% **** on him, period.
UnrulySupportGuy (1) | October 24, 2014 8:22pm
To Rudd, the fact that your avatar is Pudge already makes you a distasteful character, so in case what I say cannot penetrate you massive layers of rotting flesh, let me make it clear when I say that you really don't build heroes who were fit for certain roles too differently. You don't see a Butterfly on Keeper of the Light just like you don't see Battle Fury on Mirana , so if my drunk panda guide somehow offends you, I'm doing these guides for fun based on my own experience. As far as looking at a different angle to build him, what has been perfected for his level build can't be changed, unless you really want to max his Drunken Haze over his Q, but that's about as useful as a Shaman with maxed shackles at level 7 when what they do is good enough as a one point wonder.

At Eightfold, I stressed his pushing pretty well, I thought. Battle Fury is a fun item, and it's sorely underestimated. Spamming Thunder Clap is probably the best way to screw his mana pool over, and on the chance you have enough mana for his Q you have enough mana for a Split, which allows him to get away just in case you need to make a quick getaway. And there's your answer, Rudd, when you try to innovate, people automatically criticize a new build.

forDafeet, If you ever find one of my guides, you'll see I like to make them at least slightly amusing to read, hence, the likes, dislikes, MTG, height, and status and so on.
Rudd (3) | October 24, 2014 12:45pm
forDafeet wrote:

Well there are only three, and the second one was made yesterday...

Only 3 guides for Brewmaster? You should recheck that: Brew guides

Even if there were only 3, why make guide saying the same things, giving the same suggestions of item and ability builds? Create something new, something different, approach the guide from a different angle. Im not trying to make you feel bad, you put some effort in creating your guide. But the question still remains: why make something other people already did, without adding something significantly different?

BTW, this doesnt go only for you. For example, I could ask the same question to the guy before you who made that Brewmaster guide saying the same stuff that has already been said.
forDafeet | October 24, 2014 12:00pm
Rudd wrote:

Oh look, another Brewmaster guide. Why make another brew guide, saying the exact same things that have already been said in the last 6 brewmaster guides made?

Well there are only three, and the second one was made yesterday...
Rudd (3) | October 24, 2014 11:42am
Oh look, another Brewmaster guide. Why make another brew guide, saying the exact same things that have already been said in the last 6 brewmaster guides made?
Eightfold (9) | October 24, 2014 8:47am
forDafeet wrote:

You use *hic* a lot....

That's the joke.

Very good guide on Brewmaster. Why on earth would you recommend Battle Fury though? If you have enough farm to get a Battle Fury, you should substitute it for something that gives a ton of mana regen (like a part of a shivas, or start for a sheepstick), and just spam Thunder Clap.
forDafeet | October 24, 2014 8:34am
You use *hic* a lot....
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