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6 Votes

A Backstabbing guide to Riki

March 26, 2013 by Hales Own
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Hales Own | March 31, 2013 5:43am
Exshooter101 wrote:

Don't forget that purge can be used to remove Track and Dust, making a lot more useful.

True,I'll add that to my guide.Thanks.
Exshooter101 | March 31, 2013 4:51am
Don't forget that purge can be used to remove Track and Dust, making a lot more useful.
Synergy (2) | March 27, 2013 5:08am
Hales Own wrote:

But you can know the basics to riki with about only 5-6 gameplays.Like how a dust,gem of true sight and bounty hunter can counter you.

5-6 games usually gives you the experience you need to understand how to play Riki. It requires a lot of skillful positioning and awareness, and also needs a lot of mind games and good ganks/farming to even have a presence.
Hales Own | March 27, 2013 2:21am
Wisdomseyes1 wrote:

You should add to cons:

-Countered by gem of Truesight
-If you aren't already fed, enemy heroes who know rikki can right click you and you will do next to no damage due to lack of backstab damage. Something a lot of people dont do in low level pubs because they freak out... and thus die.

Pro's you can add that Fed rikki's are very hard to counter and that rikki forces a lot of funds into detection.

On your pro's you said Rikki has high base damage... in what way is 50 high base damage?

I don't like your "best against" section. Crystal Maiden is no different than any other hard support. Supports will normally have other heroes with them. The idea that rikki is good against a support hero because she is squishy (all heroes are good against CM in that logic) and because she will probably be alone (not likely...) and she will be silenced (which is a very annoying thing for all support heroes)... it just doesn't seem like a good reason.

For me, the starting item build would more likely be Salve, Tango, Shield, 3 GG branches. Make a Poor Man's/boots first, yes (though I think early game Tranquils are better since you will run out of regen) but getting the 54 HP and 39 mana from the branches, and ease of getting charges on a wand make it pretty useful. It set's you back 3 CS but puts you ahead in the laning stage because you are squishy.

Treds will become more useful as you level. Remember you can disassemble Tranquils, so you really don't lose anything (especially if you are going to make a ring of A anyway)

In the pro's section I noticed this and I felt it deserved it's on section.
-Can own like hell if enemy does not have true sight.

This is not true. Rikki can only ever kill like hell when people freak out and feed him because they don't understand how he works. Turning around and right clicking him when you are in the smoke, if you are a caster hero like Crystal maiden, is the best thing you can do. Rikki's damage output, when he isn't fed or underfarmed, is abysmal.

I have already mentioned in my guide most of what you said but remember,late game you usually have tons of attack speed and agility.And late game,you usually have your team with you almost every second.If you're talking about early game,you don't really get ganked much because they don't have a gem,if they have a gem,you can see when their coming so you can have enough time to run away.Even though you aren't fed you can still kill a number of people since I don't think the whole enemies team are all durable,there is always one guy playing a hero that's squishy.For the "high base damage" point I took it out so thanks and I said that riki is good against an squishy hero in my guide.
Hales Own | March 27, 2013 1:58am
Yoda wrote:

And mention Axe as a direct counter to riki: backstab or not he'll just Helix you to death if you try to gank him and once you reach 600 health you're dead (riki barely has hp)
Just try to avoid him if he's against you.

Oh I forgot to mention that.Thanks a lot.
Hales Own | March 27, 2013 1:57am
sonne wrote:

Actually. I think Riki DOES require lots of mental skills to play right. Many people just think they are immortal with invis but you need a lot of decisions to take someone down without getting exposed.

But you can know the basics to riki with about only 5-6 gameplays.Like how a dust,gem of true sight and bounty hunter can counter you.
Wisdomseyes1 (8) | March 26, 2013 10:37am
You should add to cons:

-Countered by gem of Truesight
-If you aren't already fed, enemy heroes who know rikki can right click you and you will do next to no damage due to lack of backstab damage. Something a lot of people dont do in low level pubs because they freak out... and thus die.

Pro's you can add that Fed rikki's are very hard to counter and that rikki forces a lot of funds into detection.

On your pro's you said Rikki has high base damage... in what way is 50 high base damage?

I don't like your "best against" section. Crystal Maiden is no different than any other hard support. Supports will normally have other heroes with them. The idea that rikki is good against a support hero because she is squishy (all heroes are good against CM in that logic) and because she will probably be alone (not likely...) and she will be silenced (which is a very annoying thing for all support heroes)... it just doesn't seem like a good reason.

For me, the starting item build would more likely be Salve, Tango, Shield, 3 GG branches. Make a Poor Man's/boots first, yes (though I think early game Tranquils are better since you will run out of regen) but getting the 54 HP and 39 mana from the branches, and ease of getting charges on a wand make it pretty useful. It set's you back 3 CS but puts you ahead in the laning stage because you are squishy.

Treds will become more useful as you level. Remember you can disassemble Tranquils, so you really don't lose anything (especially if you are going to make a ring of A anyway)

In the pro's section I noticed this and I felt it deserved it's on section.
-Can own like hell if enemy does not have true sight.

This is not true. Rikki can only ever kill like hell when people freak out and feed him because they don't understand how he works. Turning around and right clicking him when you are in the smoke, if you are a caster hero like Crystal maiden, is the best thing you can do. Rikki's damage output, when he isn't fed or underfarmed, is abysmal.
sonne | March 26, 2013 9:59am
Actually. I think Riki DOES require lots of mental skills to play right. Many people just think they are immortal with invis but you need a lot of decisions to take someone down without getting exposed.
Yoda (9) | March 26, 2013 6:48am
And mention Axe as a direct counter to riki: backstab or not he'll just Helix you to death if you try to gank him and once you reach 600 health you're dead (riki barely has hp)
Just try to avoid him if he's against you.
Synergy (2) | March 26, 2013 6:37am
Hales Own wrote:

It doesn't really matter much though,as long as you can read it it's still good.

That's where you are wrong. Why would I want to upvote your guide when I can upvote someone else's that says the same thing but looks better?
Hales Own | March 26, 2013 5:27am
bathristo wrote:

I can see you have added Best/Worst against .It would be nice if you add Best "with" like the best supports Riki can be in a lane with (Im not asking you to add all of the support's just 3,4 which you think work best with him) ;)

Oh yea thanks for reminding me.I almost forgot all about it.
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