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A 2k ranked player's look at Riki

November 15, 2015 by Austinfett
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kianmir | December 1, 2015 7:22am
i disagree, because, his invis is basically the reason why people pick riki
,just , think about it, if the enemy dont have A GEM OF TRUE SIGHT
then they are PWNED, why? because sentries can be evaded easily late-game, and well, you can kill gem carriers fast, if they are alone, so i really disagree, by the way, his ult doesnt do anything without his invis, you need the invis to get close, deal damage to the squishy and finish with blink strike, i mean if they could see you from far away they could stun you and nuke you before you can even become invis again, also, if riki wasnt feared and loved, because of his invis, WHY people buy gem, sentries and other stuff?
MatumBraum (1) | November 19, 2015 5:52am

Wow, people are still saying this now that it's not an ultimate and gives 720 health per minute. People really have strong opinions on invisibility, don't they? Either "too op" or "completely worthless" Imo, if invisibility could lose the supports 1500 gold from buying sentries (same price as buying obs wards out of stock) and get you three kills where they don't place sentries then it's already paid for itself.

Well, as I said, for me it's HIS worst ability. Didn't say that it was worthless, if you take another look at my previous comment you can see that I mention for what I think you should make use of it. Scouting enemy jungle, forcing the enemy to spend money with sentries, dusts and gems, etc.
IMO, comparing with his others abilities the invisibility is pretty weak.
michimatsch (26) | November 18, 2015 9:14am
+1 just for the fact someone actually changed his opinion based on changes and not how something used to be 1 year ago.
KoDyAbAbA (65) | November 17, 2015 11:22pm
riki's invis is very useful and don't let anybody else tell you otherwise
InfuriatedBrute (2) | November 17, 2015 10:37pm
MatumBraum wrote:

About the hero, his worst ability is the perm invisibility, it really sucks.

Wow, people are still saying this now that it's not an ultimate and gives 720 health per minute. People really have strong opinions on invisibility, don't they? Either "too op" or "completely worthless" Imo, if invisibility could lose the supports 1500 gold from buying sentries (same price as buying obs wards out of stock) and get you three kills where they don't place sentries then it's already paid for itself.
MatumBraum (1) | November 17, 2015 6:11am
Nice guide for the MMR tier level you told. Just some notes...
About the hero, his worst ability is the perm invisibility, it really sucks. Don't scale well, the HP regen doesn't justify leveling it (it would be different if it would work when you're visible too). You should prioritize backstab then smoke screen, in fact, I'm usually prefer to go 1 point only on perm invi and then stats.
The Smoke Screen is a great ability even with that tiny radius, when well placed, can destroy a TF. The invisibility on Dota it's an engagement tool, not an escape one. On Riki, you should use to scout the enemy jungle and to drain their supports' money (since they'll have to buy a lot of detection) but never rely on that to survive, for that you need itens and team work.
About the item build, it's pretty much that, PMS, treads, diffusal (the item for Riki, people don't escape from the smoke and you can purge the dust effect, destroy that ursa, purge that slardar's amplify damage, remove a stun from an ally, etc.), manta is better than S&Y for the reasons Primera said and a BKB it's a must have, it allows you to man up on TFs since you become a decent tank with the spell imunity and his natural huge armor.
Always keep attention on yours blink charges and farm a lot (riki farms better on enemy creeps, just because the backstab).

Oh! very important thing, you should consider to start with quelling blade and sentry, to avoid early ganks. The quelling blade is amazing, helps you farm and allows you one shot enemy's sentry wards. It's pretty fun when a support enemy puts a sentry to destroy yours with auto attacks and you destroy his sentry instantly with the quelling blade =D (wasted money, *****!).

Sorry for the huge text, congrats for the work and excuse my english, not my native language.
Austinfett | November 15, 2015 11:59pm
michimatsch wrote:

You might want to give the guide some visual appeal.
Did you already take a look at this?

I figured it'd be like HTML. I glanced it over. I want to do things like that (which won't be a problem.) but I've been busy. I plan to add that nice visual appeal after all the information is cleaned up.
Austinfett | November 15, 2015 11:58pm
Primera wrote:

this is actually very good guide and the item choices are good
just mention : it is better to go for manta style on Riki instead of SnY so you can clean thier dusts from Riki without use your diffusel blade charges , it also provide hp , mana , attack speed and make a some chaos to your your enemies if well-timed in team fight.

Yeah i just feel like I'd break down SnY later on for manta style. But usually I don't need it.

Also, I need to change the diffusal blade timing. I guessed but most games it should be purchased before 20 minutes. 15 minutes or so.

But thank you for the kind words :) I want to be able to help other players in the low tiers.
JoJoBird | November 15, 2015 7:17am
I'm in a similar spot as you are and I have to say the guide is spot on for the tier level you're talking about. Perhaps I'd take a point in smoke at level 3 anyway, as that can help in team fights if they happen early, even though you can't really use it for ganks yourself that early. I've even taken a point in smoke at 1 before if I saw a big rune fight happening. It's actually useful to have your team get first blood and at least once you start progressing out of total noob tier that permanent invis in lane is not THAT strong as you always expect to get sentried.
michimatsch (26) | November 15, 2015 3:27am
You might want to give the guide some visual appeal.
Did you already take a look at this?
Primera (1) | November 15, 2015 3:20am
this is actually very good guide and the item choices are good
just mention : it is better to go for manta style on Riki instead of SnY so you can clean thier dusts from Riki without use your diffusel blade charges , it also provide hp , mana , attack speed and make a some chaos to your your enemies if well-timed in team fight.
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