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Its me JAR JAR
Wew i see your guide and i am muy tempted to play aasu sprit ( thats how japanese pronounce earth. they call it aasu. Sounds like ***)
ES is for good reason an ***. hes a bully in lane. the bane of junglers and the king of early game rotations. carries hate him, supports love him and he can do dope **** combos that make you think like you actually held the empire state building in your hands.
And i think not many people play him because his skill floor is high and the damage numbers appear to be low (which is not the case, youtube being full of earth spirit imba plays)
Now if your guide makes sense to a noob and joker like me i can 100 percent-o guarantee that anyone can understand it! and i might try your build. But i will come back to tell you how many reports i got because i personally suck.
Until then,
You are my hero =)