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There are other regen items that actually do something. Hell get a freaking
By not levelling your nuke at all early on you're passing up a lot of opportunities to control your lane, get kills and help your supports. I would not be happy laning with you!
Stats on the other hand are gifted to your illusions - attack speed, agility and procs. Lancer's real damage against enemy heroes is all about having as many illusions as possible, attacking as fast as possible, and burning mana every hit.
So I applaud that you're trying something new out, but in this case there really are good reasons why "this isn't a thing", and that you generally build Lancer in specific ways - i.e.
I happen to think he suffers from a lack of Mana Regen (like everyone without a Bloodstone and 50 charges), and the Battlefury is currently the only item that boosts HP & Mana regen/damage all at once.
It's kind of a value-purchase for what it can do... which is allow PL to throw out a Spirit Lance four to five times in a prolonged fight, while still having mana available for a defensive Dopple.
The Ags simply helps to get the most out of that Spirit Lance cast, as well as getting immediate use from the illusion/diffusal combo (if cast of a group of heroes or creep-wave).
Plus, BF/Ags/DB costs nearly 3k less than a DB/Heart/Butterfly. Call me a cheap b*st*rd, but I'll buy my Boots of Travel with the savings. :P