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18 Votes

7.01 - Tiny Echo Sabre BROKEN BUILD

January 6, 2017 by Vapor24
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Mowen (17) | January 4, 2017 11:15am
Hey, looks like you're still using the old skilling order. Now you get ult at lvl 6/12/18 and you can put points into your talent selection to indicate what levels you take your talent at. :)
Vapor24 (1) | January 6, 2017 5:26pm
Hey man, I updated the skill build but I have a question. Is there anywhere where i can indicate that you grab the talent at level 20 and 25? The levels just go up to level 18 for the last level in the ultimate. Does it intentionally end at level 18 cause it's considered common sense to level the talent at 20 and 25 cause that's the only option?
TheSofa (54) | January 6, 2017 6:10pm
There's nothing else to skill at 20 and 25. The skill chart shows you which skill to take instead of other ones; it says "of the options that you have, this is the one you should take".

Therefore, if there's only one option (to level the talent), then it is not required.
Vapor24 (1) | January 6, 2017 5:20pm
Oh ya your right! Thanks for letting me know i totally forgot
cplortkl | December 21, 2016 8:55pm
Always buy arc boots on tiny, occasionally upgrade to BoT. I'm not seeing any benefits of phase boots here. As a tiny you would want to roam around and need to flash farm between ganks, not sit idly at lane and last hitting every creep. And with that extravaganza of bounty runes, early bottle is a no-brainer buy. +24 damage or enough mp for another VT combo, what is the better chooce?
Vapor24 (1) | December 27, 2016 11:44pm
As a tiny without blink, it's very hard to catch up to heroes. The phase boots provide a huge benefit that I explained. I'm not a fan of mana boots unless you are going for a utility tiny.
Hexah (1) | May 31, 2016 4:00am
Had a match following your guidance. won with 666GPM, I feel so evil.
Vapor24 (1) | June 15, 2016 5:13pm
Glad you had success with the build!
Schmiloff (1) | May 30, 2016 4:07am
Loved the guide! thanks for putting you time and effort into it.

Was a entertaining yet simple well explained read, will defiantly check out your other guides!
Vapor24 (1) | June 15, 2016 5:13pm
Thanks man, no problem
InfuriatedBrute (2) | April 29, 2016 10:07pm
I can't see diffusal ever being a good idea. If you want purge or attack speed go Manta Style, if you want lockdown go Abyssal. Maybe you should switch it out for Abyssal?

And Tome of Knowledge is almost always better on supports, because it effectively gives them twice(!) as many levels and after ~27 minutes you'll be lvl 16 anyhow so that exp will be dumped into attributes you don't really need. Plus tiny's automatic attribute gain-per-level doesn't give him stats he needs, and your teammates could rage lol.
Vapor24 (1) | May 2, 2016 6:43pm
Ya I agree that the tome should be for supports after 20 minutes but before that I would think that Tiny should most of the times claim the first tome. The second one and onward is probably best for supports as you said.
Eon_Theory (2) | April 27, 2016 3:39pm
It's a good build, and it will probably be the preferred build in pubs, the one thing I dislike in your guides is the encouragement for purchase of Tome of Knowledge on Carries, personally I find it more useful for supports to catch up after giving the carry solo exp, roaming, or having a hard lane. Still a +1, just maybe add a few more Late Game Item choices, or situational pickups. I.e. Manta Style .
Vapor24 (1) | April 27, 2016 4:59pm
I will add manta style, forgot about that item. Also I understand your argument on Tome of Knowledge but I also think that on a Tiny the experience means a lot for his avalanche or toss. Thanks for the advice!
Blubbles (13) | April 26, 2016 5:05pm
you need a Shadow blade if youre going Echo Sabre bc you get the bonus damage twice.
Vapor24 (1) | April 28, 2016 3:10am
I just tried it in a lobby match. I checked the combat log and it does not apply the bonus damage twice. It would be overpowered if it did, think about earthshaker totem and walrus punch. Thanks anyway. Regards, Vapor24
InfuriatedBrute (2) | April 29, 2016 9:57pm
It works if you attack within 0.3 seconds of activating shadow blade (attacking during the fade time gives you the bonus dmg but doesn't get rid of the buff). So it's a decent situational item if you want pure burst damage. Personally I would only go for it alongside a blink dagger since you can't really use the shadowblade to initiate if you save it until you're right next to them. Note that it does NOT work with Silver Edge, because Silver Edge has no fade time.
Blubbles (13) | April 28, 2016 11:39pm
Hmm worked in a couple lobbies i tried maybe it was a very brief bug. Ill have to test again.
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Vapor24 (1) | April 26, 2016 5:49pm
are you sure that you get the bonus damage twice? It says it does a follow up attack that doesn't mean that it will do the bonus damage twice does it? Have you tried this?
Blubbles (13) | April 26, 2016 6:02pm
Worked yesterday in my Slark game
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Kyphoid returns (42) | April 26, 2016 4:38am
So I can leave a thumbs down?

Trolled ya.
Vapor24 (1) | April 26, 2016 5:50pm
Haha do what you want
322mmr | April 26, 2016 4:14am
No bottle ?
Vapor24 (1) | April 26, 2016 6:10pm
I will consider adding it to situational items, but until then, don't you dare build it cause that would be illegal to modify my build to suit your playstyle!
Vapor24 (1) | April 26, 2016 5:50pm
If your in the midlane you can opt for a bottle, it is situational
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