[7.01]Navetz Beastmaster The Dominator position 4 offlaner/jungler/ganker (HIGHLY EFFECTIVE)
January 16, 2017
Navetz Introduction
UNDERSTANDING: Your primary role is to disrupt the enemy carries farm as much as possible. Secondary role is to jungle when possible to allow your co-offlaner and yourself to both get gold and XP at the same time. At level 6 you are now also a ganker (possibly even before then).
Navetz Items & Strategy
Okay for real your goal is to disrupt the enemy carries farm as much as possible. Let's see how we can achieve that:
Early Game:
Start the game with a lot of regeneration so you can trade with the enemy carry. Do not consume the iron branches you need them to complete your wand and your headdress.
When your headdress is up and you're level 3 can push the lane or go jungle. If you think you can effectively push then stay in lane, otherwise let your co-offlaner get the experience and gold while you go and get experience and gold in the jungle. Remember runes spawn every 2 min so that might be a good time to start jungling.
Once you have your helm of the dominator find a valuable creep (alpha wolf, Centaur Conqueror, Satyr Tormenter, Hellbear Smasher, Wildwing Ripper - that giant bird). Alpha wolf is recommended if you can find one.
Now constantly use the creeps to gank and push towers. When possible farm the jungle but your primary objective is to gank and push towers. Oh yea, GANK AND PUSH TOWERS.
Mid Game:
After your Dominator complete your brown boots and start working towards Necronomicon 3. If your team needs an initiator you might want to buy a blink after Necro 1, however we want to take objectives more than we want to get hero kills at this point. If a team fight does happen you'll have two boars, a dominated creep, and auras from your skill build and item builds to fight.
Late Game:
After your core items are complete go with an Assault Cuirass or a Heavens Halberd. If you're ahead and you can manage to get Abyssal blade it's also a fantastic option. And if your team needs a tank you can build an early Vanguard after Dominator.
Super Late Game: who knows.
Navetz Skills & Strategy
With this build we want our Beastmaster to be a really strong pusher so we level Inner Beast (E) Before Wild Axes (Q). If you have a good reason to cut down trees (ie there's a Monkey King) then put one point into Wild Axes (Q) early.
Level 6: Once you have roar you go ganking. TP to other lanes, walk mid, good look for someone in their jungle. You are strong at this point and with your two boars and a roar you should be able to find a kill.
Continue leveling your aura and pushing towers, once you get your dominated creep + level 4 Inner Beast (E) you can should be able to push down towers easily. Try to group up with your team and fight often! Early fighting is what 7.00 is all about and with this build your hero is very strong early!
Navetz Final Thoughts
This strategy lets you get off to a good early start in almost every game. Some tips to remember:
Don't overfarm
Disrupt the enemy carries
Jungle when you can or when you have to
Check bounty runes!
Fight a lot once you get Helm of the Dominator
Always look for good gank opportunities.
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