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3 Votes

6.88 Support Phoenix- Watch them Burn

September 3, 2016 by OneCr1tMan
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Eango (1) | August 12, 2016 9:19pm
What do you think of Midas on Phoenix in the support position?

Getting level 2 Nova is a big difference (kind of like getting level 2 AA ult).
OneCr1tMan | August 15, 2016 9:41am
If you have the time to do so, I don't see why not. It's a popular item for Phoenix at high skill brackets.
Puffnoocy | August 8, 2016 12:47pm
I just was messing around Dotafire looking for interesting guides for my favourite heroes or to learn, play and probably like a new hero. Thanks to your guide I liked Phoenix :D I hope I'll play him properly (probably yes, because of this guide). Thank you! :3 +1 and favourited of course!
ChiChi (47) | August 2, 2016 8:19am
Very cool guide! Easy +1! Keep up the good work!
KoDyAbAbA (65) | August 1, 2016 6:39am
as you said in the guide, your third skill is % based pure damage.
*puts on math glasses*
consider an enemy unit with the total health points of 800 (at level 7, decent right?)
now, IF you can land Sun Ray, you will do a staggering 250 pure damage + 45% of enemy's total health pool which would take me hours to calculate considering tick damage, so... a lot of damage!

NOW, if you were to max your second skill, you would be doing (280 * 4) of magic damage which is 1120

after factoring in magical resistance that comes to : 1120 - 280 = 840 PURE DAMAGE

now ofc one can say that solar ray gun does more damage, but it's also much more risky. i mean walking around trying to keep your beam onto enemies is pretty damn dangerous, it's just so much safer to use Fire Spirits, and it has so many other uses because of it's DoT,zoning potential and massive attack speed slow which synergies with your ult so much that it hurts.

All i'm saying is that the advantages of Fire Spirits really shine in the early game, while Sun Ray does the real damage after like the 30 minute mark when every enemy hero is reasonably tanky, so I don't really see the point of maxing it first.

I hope I didn't confuse anyone!
OneCr1tMan | August 3, 2016 7:16am
You made some good points, but I still believe Sun Ray is the better spell to max first. You make it sound like Sun Ray is harder to land than Fire Spirits. The main problem with Fire Spirits is that it takes 12 seconds to launch all the spirits to deal its maximum damage on a single target. By then the enemy could simply retreat. Phoenix with Fire Spirits just doesn't have the ganking power it has with Sun Ray.

Sun Ray is not so dangerous as you think because of its range. With vision and proper positioning, you should not get caught out while firing it. Even if you do get caught out, you always have an escape in Icarus Dive.
Gugirock (1) | August 1, 2016 3:21am
Nice guide, i will surelly try your build, i am usually at pos.5 with omniknight, time to try a new thing :p
kianmir | July 31, 2016 4:42am
Great guide! wish more people like you could understand how strong phoenix is. keep up the good work! just wanted to point out something. your allies can't eul's you because it can't target allies. only the enemy or yourself. definitely a +1 dude! keep up the good work ;D
OneCr1tMan | July 31, 2016 5:27pm
Thank you! I fixed the Eul's error, thanks for pointing that out.
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