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1 Votes

6.84 Detailed Guide to a Good Support

July 19, 2015 by StarryOwl
Comments: 10    |    Views: 22338    |   

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abSTRAkt | May 19, 2016 11:34am
The support not only supports the carry, but the whole team. Often times, there are 2 supports.
StarryOwl | October 25, 2015 8:38pm
Updated the guide a bit .
StarryOwl | September 16, 2015 8:28am
Thanks for your advice into improving this guide, i will make further updates as soon as possible !
Diadochi (2) | July 23, 2015 12:58am
I think you should include in your guide something that A LOT of players don't think about when playing support, that being that if possible you want to let your carry level. If possible you want to leave the lane and just go stack, secure runes, and gank and let your carry not only get last hits but also level at almost the same rate as mid. You can do this when the enemy has a solo offlaner, a weak dual lane with no stun/burst, or your safe lane carry is a strong laner anyway (especially if ranged). There is no point in being an XP sponge, and its crazy how when you are under levelled how quickly you will catch up just by being part of a few kills. This is something that happens a lot in competitive DotA where the 5th position will be level 2 when the mid is already 7+.
StarryOwl | July 21, 2015 12:49pm
Did some progressions in the guide, sorry for the delay. Had been busy for awhile, Enjoy
a delicate flower | June 17, 2015 3:27pm
Simple but good guide to supporting. I linked to it in my most recent guide for Bane. Check it out.
Bunkansee (32) | June 16, 2015 2:45pm
Nice start for a guide. Since this is incomplete I can assume you may know about this/ already planning to implement this, but I think you should add maybe tips on roaming, since supports usually need very little in terms of experience and gold, it's useful to move them around the map often to get an advantage for other lanes. I myself have troubles with roaming, but It's really useful to other lanes, mistakes I see people making are babysitting a carry all game long, but if your lane doesn't need constant help or attention, it's nice to set your sights on ganking another lane that may need help.
masaaki14 (11) | June 16, 2015 2:10pm
to me, the most important objective a support has is to ensure his carry gets maximum farm. this can be done in the laning stage where you try to lane out the enemy heroes so that your carry can focus solely on taking last-hits without worrying about getting harassed or killed, and also through stacking the jungle if your carry has a effective way of farming the jungle(sven, luna, sf).
StarryOwl | June 14, 2015 10:46am
Feedback noted, will make this guide improve over time, thanks !
Bukler (1) | June 14, 2015 10:18am
Not a bad start for an overall support guide, but I think that you should firstly show wich items to get intead of others (example: a venomancer even if he and his team are having a good time and nice farm he wont buy a butterfly but instead something else like a solar crest or an heaven alberd that they all give some evasion as the butterfly does but that they can use those items for helping the team for disabling carries or babysitting your carry).
Also I-d really like to see something like how to play a support instead of a carry, for example Naga siren with her brand new aghs can be a fulltime support in early and mid game and transitioning into a semi-carry/support in late game.
Also a paragraph about smoke ganks would be nice, lastly some examples of gameplay where there are good supports wouldnt be bad at all!
As I said it's a nice start for a support guide and I hope you will improve this!

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