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3 Votes

6.82c Advanced Support Meepo Guide

November 6, 2014 by astora
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astora | November 7, 2014 12:58am
Hey there.

I've played support Meepo with great results in the past but it's been a while since I've been mastering my Visage recently so to find my previous support meepo games i'd have to dig deep into my previous games. I'll have a few games doing this again and upload some matches within the next couple weeks because I'm on a family holiday at the moment.
astora | November 7, 2014 12:58am
Hey there.

I've played support Meepo with great results in the past but it's been a while since I've been mastering my Visage recently so to find my previous support meepo games i'd have to dig deep into my previous games. I'll have a few games doing this again and upload some matches within the next couple weeks because I'm on a family holiday at the moment.
1overcosine_c | November 6, 2014 11:47pm
You've put a lot of detail on how to play the hero, but apart from items, most of it is how you would play the hero as a carry anyway :P

For you to get your aghs and blink in the first place, you would need to farm fairly aggressively for the first 15-20 minutes of the game. Supposing you do this in the jungle (giving your carry full lane gold), your carry can't really rotate into the jungle and clear a few camps if the lane is not safe or he's getting ganked. You can use your clones to stack camps, but unless you're doing this for your carry, you aren't really supporting.

Nevertheless, do give some match IDs, i'd like to see this in action :)
astora | November 6, 2014 1:44pm
Hi there, I thought I put enough detail on to why he can potentially be played as a support and how to execute it. Yes he does needs items but you can farm with him faster than any hero in the game if you are multi tasking correctly, I believe just Aghs and Blink is enough sustain since you'll already be atleast 3 levels ahead during midgame.

Support Meepo has worked wonders for me, I'll upload a few matches soon when I have the time. The only downfall I think of playing support Meepo is your team doesn't have faith in you. Honestly If I'm playing a game and someone wanted to be dedicated support I'd be very relieved since you don't see that enough
1overcosine_c | November 6, 2014 6:20am
This is an interesting guide, but you haven't actually explained why Meepo should be played as a support. Apart from your item build, which focuses on AOE and general utility items, your tips seem to match a generic carry Meepo.

I'm all for playing heroes in unconventional ways, but the problem with Meepo in my opinion is that he needs certain items by the mid game in order to be useful. For example, without Aghanim's Scepter, his clones are just food if one gets caught out with a single target burst spell. Another issue is that unlike conventional supports (like Crystal Maiden, Lina, Ogre Magi, etc.), Meepo lacks the ability to stay back in teamfights and simply survive whilst providing utility. He really needs to get right into the middle of the action to deal his massive damage, and without decent farm, this will just end up in him dying. Sure, you might take down one, maybe two, of the enemies, but this just gives you a ton of EXP, leaving your teammates underleveled and a man short.

I would argue that there's more to supporting than just buying wards and a mek. Your playstyle should really reflect this role if you take it up, otherwise you're draining money and exp from your carries, which will lose you the late game.

I think Meepo as a support could work, but it really depends on both your picks and your enemy's picks. I'd say don't go into a game with the mindset "I'm gonna play support Meepo", but instead "How can I play Meepo in a way that will let us win.

I'm interested to know though, how has playing support Meepo worked out for you?
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