(6.82) Ursa - Teamfight/push build
October 22, 2014
This build doesn't differentiate very much from other during early game. The problem I have with most Ursa play is the complete dependence on gank, with no thought given to the late-game possibilities. This build leverages Ursa's ability to output massive TEAM damage after a blink initiation.
With the mid-late game addition of Battle Fury and Assault Cuirass instead of the usual pure single-target lockdown strategies. While gank orientation can be fun to play, I think the hero loses it's full potential with that style.
Farm early, Rosh often
Ursa is usually a jungler, and for good reason. The combination Overpower and Fury Swipes will allow you to keep the gold coming and allow you to steamroll into the mid-game with.
If you're new to the hero, Ursa has the potential to do a very early Roshan attempt. After you get Vladimir's Offering or even just Morbid Mask and level 6, you should be able to complete Rosh as long as your team has given you space.
Always be wary of wards on Rosh, preferably a support would have de-warded first. If not, you should get some sentries before you go.
Vlad's will keep your mana up until you get to Battle Fury. After BF, you'll never have a mana worry again. After you've built your Battle Fury, you should be able to clear a creep wave with one Overpower. Neutral camps should take seconds, and ancients should take less than 30. Once you've farmed AC, it will be even quicker. As long as your map control is good and you feel safe, use your blink and keep a stack of TPs to keep creeps and split push when you can. With your vlads and now massive damage, you can run in front of your creeps and clear a lane back to the enemy tower before they know you were there and gone.
Destroy the opposing team
I can't stress the effectiveness of of this combo of gear enough.
Pop your Ulti, Overpower, blink in, slam the ground, and start swiping the whole team down. If you do it right, you'll have them 50% down by the time your team get the secondary initiation going and cleans them up.
For extra fun, wait until your Overpower timer has almost reset, pop Enrage, and then blink in. The first set of swipes will almost destroy anyone in range, and the second will take any but the most tanky of tanks out completely. If your team has come in and done their job, you should be able to curb-stomp from here.
After you've done this once, be sure that the opposition will try to insta-stun you. Get a BKB if they have any lockdown potential at all. On the other hand, remember that your Fury Swipes go through BKB. Hope that your opponent forgets.
If the game goes long, ditch your Vlad and get a second Battle Fury, then switch out your Phase boots for BOTs and rat/counter-rat like no other.
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