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6 Votes

6.80 Aggressive Support Phoenix

April 15, 2014 by LadyAries
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majestic as puck | January 16, 2016 4:41pm
Blubbles wrote:

Pheonix has no support potential except for the fact that he gets Urn and Mek as core. Sun Ray is a horrible heal. End of story. Never play Pheonix as Support. He is a strong mid or offlane ganker who doesn't need to get shoved around by the three other carries on your pub level team.

could not be more wrong here are just a few reasons phoenix is a good support
-dosent require much farm all he really needs is tranqs already has dive which lets him come online early then a es/ tide etc that require blink
-fire spirits the biggest maim if a hero takes over twice as long to right click how can he last hit or kill your teammates
-supernova has a stun that has the same aoe as ravage but it goes through bkb
-dive has a 25% movement slow
-laser beam is a aoe heal that scales yes its not gonna be as strong a single target heal but compared to any other aoe heal ie witch dr's its more then decent
in conclusion I guess phoenix doesn't have a silence :/ but she has a maim, slow, stun, heal which are all incredibly powerful if used properly
majestic as puck | January 16, 2016 4:24pm
ive had a lot of experience with phoenix here are some notes u can add to your guide;
*force staff its a incredible item best picked up after traquils the mana it gives is generally all phoenix needs as long as everytime your ult is off cooldown u search for a opportuninity to use it. the ring also gives much need regen early game but the main reason is phoenixs greatest weakness is not being in position to use his combo dive fire- spirits- nova. this is due to being stunned or more commonly silenced being able to force yourself away till the debuff wears off is a lot more useful then items that cost twice as much. when used on a allied carry in dive its also easy to save them
*treads? generally picked up to increase atk spd on carries not really worth on phoenix one of the best heroes to hold transquils as u can do so much without having to get in range of right clicks with laser fire spirits takes some skill to keep transqs regen going but much better buy
*denying nova one of phoenix main strengths is escapability and ability to minimise enemies farm a big reason why he is picked as a offlaner. ie ability to dive from fights from lvl one lvl2+ in spirits can prevent heroes that excel in farming ie am from getting there expected amount of last hits. so yeh adding that supernova can be denied as soon as it goes below half health is a big point also makes aghs a semi viable item as any hero that is put in nova gets denied if nova dies
Blubbles (13) | September 28, 2014 10:54pm
Pheonix has no support potential except for the fact that he gets Urn and Mek as core. Sun Ray is a horrible heal. End of story. Never play Pheonix as Support. He is a strong mid or offlane ganker who doesn't need to get shoved around by the three other carries on your pub level team.
Heal | June 17, 2014 9:58pm
good enough guide for newbies
LadyAries | March 2, 2014 8:43pm
Sylfirus wrote:

"Linken's Sphere is a great item on Phoenix because it's able to block the majority of stuns and roots that would other wise interfere with your Icarus Dive. It's a decent support item because you can activate it on your allies. It also had much needed health and mana regeneration."

WHAT THE **** is he talking about ?

Pls teach me how to activate Linken's Sphere on my allies !

Like any active item. Press the hot key and then click on the ally you want to shield.
Sylfirus | February 27, 2014 3:53pm
"Linken's Sphere is a great item on Phoenix because it's able to block the majority of stuns and roots that would other wise interfere with your Icarus Dive. It's a decent support item because you can activate it on your allies. It also had much needed health and mana regeneration."

WHAT THE **** is he talking about ?

Pls teach me how to activate Linken's Sphere on my allies !
Luciferiano | February 20, 2014 4:36am
good guide!
Luciferiano | February 20, 2014 4:36am
good guide!
seankenny6688 | February 7, 2014 3:41pm
Very Good Guide
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