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9 Votes

6.30 Early Regen Daily updated

March 15, 2014 by rexade
Comments: 7    |    Views: 14093    |   

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unicornzombie999 | April 16, 2014 12:50pm
Good guide, I would reccomend either Phase Boots or suprisingly Arcane Boots both of which I found more useful. Some skill building would be useful, because I build him Q-W-Q-E-Q-R-Q-W-W-R-W-E-E-E-Skill-R, I don't know, it works for me. Everything else I completely agreed with. Great build though. Meat Hook away :D
Geisha_Man | March 20, 2014 2:23pm
Wheres heart, Shiva, ac??? Pudge doesnt have much armour he really needs some. And if you get fed in early game you can just go for heart. If you can get like 20 minute heart its pretty much gg. Also i wouldnt reommend tranquil boots cuz there's a lot better choices than those.
Zerak Kyria (8) | March 19, 2014 10:32pm
rexade wrote:

I agree. Right now this "guide" is a pit for all my thoughts around pudge. So the content in general, isnt there.

I thank you for your sincere opinion on the matter and the well written feedback.

Edit: Also appreciate the tips :)#

No problem, Glad I could help. Obviously that's my opinion on how I play Pudge which I don't do much so if you're winning 70% of your matches through this build then well done.
rexade | March 19, 2014 10:16pm
TheGooGaming wrote:

This guide is just plain wrong, I am reading it once again, just to see if I can find something that is not completely horribly explained, on top of misleading information. -1

I agree that it is not a competitive point of view. But it is something that just works imo. I have a win ratio of 70% with the character. Nearly 500 games played.

At Least im doing something right.

Still thank you for the feedback.
rexade | March 19, 2014 10:12pm
Zerak Kyria wrote:

First of all;
I would never build Tranquil Boots on Pudge because you only get extra speed when you haven't hit something in the last 13 seconds. Also more to the point, Phase Boots give you bonus speed and more damage for last hitting.
Second of all; with the positioning in the middle lane, it's a good idea but what if the other mid is a Puck or Queen of Pain? You hook them and they simply blink out. They also have ranged attacks so they can harass you back.

I'd also add in a chapter for skills because what if a new player wants to play Pudge and doesn't know how the abilities work along with the items. Also I'd like detail for why you'd get these items as the core items because not everyone will see your side of it straight off. I'd also add in Heart of Terrasque as a core item because if you snowball well and get a lot of kills then it will keep your health full while roaming and thus make you even more harder to kill. Also Hood of Defiance because it helps with making Rot hurt them more than you that bit more.

I agree. Right now this "guide" is a pit for all my thoughts around pudge. So the content in general, isnt there.

I thank you for your sincere opinion on the matter and the well written feedback.

Edit: Also appreciate the tips :)#
TheGooGaming (29) | March 19, 2014 3:07am
This guide is just plain wrong, I am reading it once again, just to see if I can find something that is not completely horribly explained, on top of misleading information. -1
Zerak Kyria (8) | March 16, 2014 4:18am
First of all;
I would never build Tranquil Boots on Pudge because you only get extra speed when you haven't hit something in the last 13 seconds. Also more to the point, Phase Boots give you bonus speed and more damage for last hitting.
Second of all; with the positioning in the middle lane, it's a good idea but what if the other mid is a Puck or Queen of Pain? You hook them and they simply blink out. They also have ranged attacks so they can harass you back.

I'd also add in a chapter for skills because what if a new player wants to play Pudge and doesn't know how the abilities work along with the items. Also I'd like detail for why you'd get these items as the core items because not everyone will see your side of it straight off. I'd also add in Heart of Terrasque as a core item because if you snowball well and get a lot of kills then it will keep your health full while roaming and thus make you even more harder to kill. Also Hood of Defiance because it helps with making Rot hurt them more than you that bit more.
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