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8 Votes

5k master teir Undying 7.27d Pos5 Safelane

October 8, 2020 by Husky from Zavod
Comments: 2    |    Views: 61420    |   

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Hades4u (296) | October 12, 2020 1:24am
Hey Husky, thank you for this guide!

You got some pretty good info there. :D

I wanted to make a quick suggestion in case you wanted to improve the aesthetics of your guide. For example, you mention hero and item names throughout the guides and you can easily make them easier to read and to access in the database for anyone that has questions.

For example: Undying and Decay instead of Undying and Decay.
For example: [[Undying]] and [[Decay]] instead of Lone Druid and Moon Shard.

This is just something quick that might help, in case you would like any other help or tips, feel free to let me know! Till then, keep up the great work!
PsiGuard (4) | September 9, 2019 12:34pm
Hey Husky, love what you've got here so far! I like the tips about how to make the best use of each ability (and talent).

I'd love to see a breakdown of when to build Undying's different item options and maybe some more gameplay stuff (like laning tips, ward spots, team fighting ideas) in the future. Hope to see you continue to update and expand this guide in the future!

If you want to spruce up your guide a bit, definitely check out Dr.D's BBCode guide. It never hurts to add in some icons and tooltips to help organize your content visually.

If there's any way I can help you with your guide, just let me know!
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