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4K's Guide to Becoming 4k

December 16, 2015 by YevN
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Hi, my in-game name is Yevnn and I'm into dota for around 8 years. During these year, I have achieved 4K MMR on several accounts (Maximum 4.4k) and play dota competitively and standing in for multiple amateur teams. This guide is not for players beyond my level (5k,6k,7k). 4k Players can read my guide and can judge yourself whether I'm telling you is genuine or not.
So, let's start talk about how I get 4k. In this guide, I will be indicating skill level with MMR so let's not just see MMR as a number but as a skill level being 1k mmr = bad, 2k mmr =not bad, 3k mmr = below average, 4k mmr = average , 5k mmr = above average.

1K MMR and 2K MMR

When I started playing Dota, it was just a LAN game between kids from the neighborhood at the nearby LAN cafe. My brother introduced me to Dota when he is also invited by his friends after his high school. So, basically we found the game pretty fun but back then, it was a total messed up games. We do not have full 10 people to play, therefore we play 1v1 or sometimes 2v3 or 4v3 , always something like that. We do not have people to teach us how to play the heroes and what items do you build and how to react with the update patch. Basically, what I'm telling you is we simply do not have a learning environment here. All we can do is play with Bots(AI) and try to watch how the bots play and copy the things they do. At that point, my skill level probably is 1k mmr because my mindset at that point tends to call GG after seeing my teammates die and I have no mood to play at all. I love to blame other people and start raging all game.
By playing in that environment with 3 or 4 years, I picked up certain knowledge on how to play some heroes and what are the abilities and one or two times play captain mode. So, I can say I have improved slowly but now my skill level becomes 2k. I know how to play the heroes, I can build the items associated with the heroes but make some mistakes like (FacelessVOid's missing ulti or tidehunter's missing ulti) , didn't really care about the last hits but about ganking and killing.

Reaching 3K MMR and Starting Dota 2

After my high school, I am really free during the days and my parents have buy internet connection. Then, one of my friend tell me there is a server called and I can play with other people online. In our country there is a server caleld YTP . Many people from all over the country plays in YTP. Starting from that time, I played YTP everyday and that is when I knew about MOBA. By seeing how other players play improve me alot. After playing in YTP 3 or 4 months, I exceed the skill level of my usual playmate friend from the neighborhood and they have no idea why. I saw many tricks and many tips from the very high skilled player in YTP also.
One year of playing YTP is really fun learning experience. But I have to leave my country and came to Singapore for higher education. There, I was introduced to Dota 2 by my brother again. I started Playing and calibrated 3K MMR for the first time just as I logically show you how I improved in these years.

Stuck in 3K ELO HELL

Playing for one year in this 3K ELO Hell drove me crazy until I'm realized I have stopped learning Dota since I reached 3k. So, I create new account and started follow the guides on how to abuse MMR by picking Zeus every time. In that account , I get 3.8 K MMR. I was so happy and gain some hope on Dota. There is a dota saying, "you can become better only if you play with a better opponent". That is so true. Leaving the 3k Tier and start playing in 3.8K just refreshed my Dota mindset. In those MMR abusing guides, they highlight the fact to maintain your KDA while keeping your GPM and XPM high. From one point of view, you can think this as a abusing guide but in other way, it is just a mindset or ideology to change your mindset. Keeping your KDA and GPM high will give you so much levels far ahead of your opponent and high GPM will give you lots of items. So, basically, that's the average basic the most important factor on how to become a 4k player (average) to not waste your time.

Becoming 4K

I can say 4k MMR is average because now many people like Miracle-, Yoky-, Limmp, hFn, and so many others have reached 8k already. So, half the maximum of their MMR is 4k. You have to reach 4k if you want to become average dota player.
After calibrating another accounts and learning from the experience, I can now climbed to 4k already.
My climbing hero is Spirit Breaker as a position 4. Good WIn-rates on dotabuff, nice stun and knocks, useful ulti to disable , escaping mechanism, overall, SB is a really powerful support heroes. watching Fng plays as a support also improve too.. :)


To keep trying and never stop learning. If people tells you which is better, accept it and try it next game. watch Twitch of pro players and see more guides. Blitz's storm spirit guide and commentary is insane!! And will bring you to another level of dota analysis and mindgames.
Good Luck and Have FUn CLimbing your ELO. :)

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