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5 Votes

3% HP or Bust

September 24, 2012 by Samurice
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Samurice | August 28, 2012 9:30am
wilddeonpwn wrote:

The beast way I play Huskar is by putting at least 1 point in Burning spears at lvl 1 so I can have really good lane control

I'm generally not fond of doing this for few reasons:

Still, ignoring tower/creep aggro is a notable plus (you can sometimes dive for free with Life Break -> Burning Spear spam, for instance). I probably should have mentioned the role of taking a single level of Burning Spear, if only to look like less of a radical.
Peebze (2) | August 26, 2012 7:18pm
Samurice wrote:

Mask of Madness amplifies Huskar's already considerable strength in smaller engagements in exchange for a weaker late game (no Satanic) and an almost utter lack of applicability in team fights ( Life Break -> +30% Damage Taken = suicide). It's definitely not what I'm after but to each his own.

Thanks for the +1 though! I plan to add videos later to demonstrate my build but for now will settle for changing my sections ("Skills", "Items", "Gameplay") into chapters to address it all seeming "like a big wall of text".

As said, it's my own personal choice ^.^ I grab two bracer's early game for a bit of health, then rush a mask and power treads. After that I grab a heart, and an Armlet after that. But again, that's just me :P I only do it because I know I'll get fed early game with him and can risk not getting an armlet. Though on the off chance that I don't get fed or have a hard time farming I go for Satanic.
Samurice | August 26, 2012 6:32pm
Hades4u wrote:

Pretty nice guide, I'll give you a positive vote, good job.

Thanks! If I may ask, do you find the body sufficient or is there something specific (beyond fluff) missing?

Peebze wrote:

Personally I prefer to get a Mask of Madness over a Helm of the Dominator. It has the same juggling with turning off flaming spears to heal, but it also gives a mad attack speed boost that stacks with his Berserker's Blood... but that's just me :P

Good guide, nice and clean. Could probably use some organization though, it seems like a big wall of text. +1 from me.

Mask of Madness amplifies Huskar's already considerable strength in smaller engagements in exchange for a weaker late game (no Satanic) and an almost utter lack of applicability in team fights ( Life Break -> +30% Damage Taken = suicide). It's definitely not what I'm after but to each his own.

Thanks for the +1 though! I plan to add videos later to demonstrate my build but for now will settle for changing my sections ("Skills", "Items", "Gameplay") into chapters to address it all seeming "like a big wall of text".
Peebze (2) | August 26, 2012 9:04am
Personally I prefer to get a Mask of Madness over a Helm of the Dominator. It has the same juggling with turning off flaming spears to heal, but it also gives a mad attack speed boost that stacks with his Berserker's Blood... but that's just me :P

Good guide, nice and clean. Could probably use some organization though, it seems like a big wall of text. +1 from me.
Hades4u (296) | August 26, 2012 8:46am
Pretty nice guide, I'll give you a positive vote, good job.
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