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Try what I have written and then comment if you lose a single game, provided you played the exact way I had put forth. I am not forcing you into this, but you'll get addicted soon.
Monkey King Bar is preferred over Daedalus due to the higher chances of an agility enemy carry to get a butterfly especially in higher ranked MMR games say 5000+.
Stay tuned!
and columns:
Using all these in combonation looks really nice. I believe I saw a link to a formatting guide up in these comments somewhere.
As for your build you really need to get
This is really an okay guide, just get more OO and format it. Do that and I might give it 1+.
Even if you go jungle you can still max
I hope you see why maxing nuke over carryspells is better on actually every hero.
Also on your item build you say into lategame items s&y, skadi and mkb. In the other build you say ac and mjolnir. I don't really get why you place in the first build those 3 items.
1) s&y is a situational midgame item not a late game item.
2) mkb should only be purchased against evasion, otherwise there are better options like daedalus or abyssal blade.
3) You shouldn't get a shadow blade and a blink dagger. One mobility item is more than enough.
However i really like the skadi, it is an item under purchased on lc but is really strong on her.
Don't get discouraged because of me because i do like the guide.
If you do that and some formatting, you have my +1 indeed.
Here you go.