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2 Votes

2009's Sand King Build

June 6, 2013 by lebensohl
Comments: 3    |    Views: 5173    |   

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Peppo_oPaccio (70) | June 7, 2013 8:03am
This is sooo greedy, there are definitely too many different items that do not work well together.

First, Sand King is almost always played as a support: that doesn't mean you can't play him mid, in which case you would still have some problems farming, but he can keep up with the other Heroes even without extra items. Also, laning him in a dual or trilane as a farming Hero is definitely useless since his skills don't scale well into late game (or not as well as Faceless Void, Spectre or even Gyrocopter). But still, in pubs everything is possible: there are a lot of supports with less carry potential.

About the item build, that late Battle Fury is just terrible: players usually buy it by ~15 minutes for split pushing and farming more effectively; the extra AoE in teamfights is more of an "extra" and Sand King, who actually has one of the best AoE ultimates, doesn't need the cleave at all. Power Treads are decent but, most of the time, the attack speed increase is wasted and the extra survivability is not needed because of the Drum of Endurance. I still prefer Arcane Boots, even though the Treads do work.
About the luxury items, I personally don't like extra damage on SK and prefer getting Shiva's Guard, Scythe of Vyse or Aghanim's Scepter, but he isn't that bad of an autoattacker I guess?

TL;DR, this can be a fun pub build but it's not the best way to play Sand King. Still, if your team's carry is having a great time in his lane and you don't have any other carries, you can try building DPS items and have some fun.
samukobo (28) | June 7, 2013 1:50am
Or you know, you could consider that this is 2013.

Even without considering that, you didn't explain at all.
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