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1v1 Offlaners

March 29, 2015 by ayylmfao
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Prepare the anus

DotA2 Hero: Riki

Hero Skills

Backstab (Innate)

Smoke Screen

3 12 13 14

Blink Strike

1 4 5 7

Tricks of the Trade

2 8 9 10

Cloak and Dagger

6 11 16


15 17 18

1v1 Offlaners

March 29, 2015

Mid-game = 1v1 mastery

to be put simply,i made this build after doing Rikimaru for 2 weeks

WARNING: this build suck on early game,but on mid/Late game,i can guarantee you ***-kicking


and be carefull on early round. take your time on early and took last hit on creeps as much as possible while constantly running from enemy heroes

Item build:

not as like most people do,i'm not a fans of boots,because Riki on early game will have a bad time without shield
upgrade your stout shield to poor man's shield before doing anything,it won't do bad

get your power treads before 15 minutes,then took your time farming creeps with the boost damage on backstab

Mask of Madness is extremely recommended after you got the treads because it give you both attack speed and agility(which also add backstab damage)

Diffusal blade next. this one is also really important if you go against tank.

Skull basher next,no need to question it

Orb of Venom can be taken anytime,but i also highly recommend you to take Orb before diffusal,but you can do it anytime since it's really cheap

on late game,you can either buy Abyssal blade or Boots of travel first. If your enemy is quite strong or you have wraith/axe/pudge with fat,i reccomend you to take abyssal first,but if your enemy isn't that strong,take the boots first

you can freely choose which you want to take first,sangeyasha or butterfly,but sangeyasha is great because it's passive and didn't take so much time for you to use it

How to win on 1v1 as riki with core items/without Skull basher:
step one: make sure your enemy alone
step two: get into enemy back and active your mask of madness
step three: enggage,the first time your riki strike use your smoke bomb
step four: slow enemy with diffusal blade(if needed)
step five: enjoy on looking your enemy suffer with depression

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