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5 Votes

April 24, 2012 by Burma Jones
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Burma Jones (7) | March 7, 2012 5:38pm
When I first started playing Dragon Knight I did that, but I felt like having a meatier Breathe Fire and more defense from Dragon Blood helped a lot more to control the lane, since I didn't have to risk getting into melee combat, but could just deal good damage from range. For how weak Dragon Knight is, it'd be pretty stupid to run up to stun people all the time, unless they were dumb enough to be at your tower, and you have back up, and are at high or full health. Much too risky until later in the game imo.
League of Legends player (1) | March 7, 2012 5:16pm
Don't mention it, and oh yeah, another thing, you should always take level 1 Dragon Tail either at level 1 or early on, since it's one of the, if not the longest level 1 stun in the entire game.
Burma Jones (7) | March 7, 2012 5:05pm
Haha, I like your username. Also, thank you very much for the comment. I knew about Dragon's first one having a dot, but if your team has CC for you and you get fed, your level 3 dragon ult is absolutely godlike with all that attack speed and added passives from the inventory. You deal splash, high damage and some slow. Your job with this build is really to deal and take a bunch of damage in teamfights, not push towers (which you could do after obliterating the other team anyhow). You only get the poison with your first level of ult, your second turns it into splash, and your final adds slow, so there's no reason to stay at level 2 ult, only either 1 or 3 (AFAIK). And thanks for the bracket tip, I'm pretty new to the site or guide-making.
League of Legends player (1) | March 7, 2012 3:43pm
Not to mention, once you upgrade Helm to Satanic, you can't use it to stack Ancients, which you should always do as Dragon Knight, since your level 2 Dragon Form deals splash damage and you lifesteal from it.
Haven't read the guide, will later, but I hope you noted that you shouldn't level your ult to level 2 unless you're planning to stack Ancients and kill them, since level 1 Dragon Form is crazy good against towers with its corrosive passive.

Also, you can add the link thingies or whatnot for abilities and items and heroes by typing ((breathe fire)), just replace the "(" with "[" symbols, so it would appear like this Breathe Fire
Burma Jones (7) | March 7, 2012 3:02pm
Just because the cost of getting a Mjollnir is about the same as upgrading Helm of the Dominator to Satanic, so I opt to keep the Helm so that I farm better and build up more stats instead of condensing my inventory. Thanks for the comment.
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