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V6.79 Invoker - Wex is the new Monster!

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Forum » Theory Crafting » V6.79 Invoker - Wex is the new Monster! 8 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by grimorum » October 17, 2013 11:03pm | Report
Wex Invoker has returned: Double EMP Monster
At level 15 with decent farm, your AoE spells can do this:

800 Mana Drain
400 HP Removal
680 Damage from Tornado
2.0 Sec Pushback
2.8 Sec Lift
Monstrous Mana Recovery!

- EMP restores Invoker for 50% of the mana it drains from heroes (excluding illusions)
- Invoke Max Spells rescaled from 1/2/2/2 to 2

Wicked initiation or Counter-initiation

Invoke Tornado first, then invoke Deafening Blast
Tornado, Invoke EMP ASAP, Cast EMP
Cast Deafening Blast
Use Refresher Orb
Cast Deafening Blast
Invoke tornado
Tornado, then EMP

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » October 18, 2013 3:45am | Report
I was so happy when I was reading this, Invoker is my favorite! He might be back in the competitive scene.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Peppo_oPaccio » October 18, 2013 1:26pm | Report
Now I have a valid reason to tell those Exort Invoker players to try the Quas- Wex build: I've always liked it, the low damage isn't a problem when you can Cold Snap your enemies. Plus, the new QW Invoker can actually skip the Force Staff because he doesn't need much mana and go for a straight Drums + Agh's (though I still like the Force Staff), maybe adding a Void Stone for a later Vyse.

Also: Invoker in the competitive scene? Yes and no: I always thought that the poor damage and low usefulness at level 1/2 make this Hero very bad early on and, as he needs more farm than the common mids and doesn't need a Bottle, I understand why he's overlooked. Now that the Bottle costs more, players can't bottle crow before the 3 minute mark, people can't start with super stats like Nulls and Branches (because of the Salve and Tango nerf) and Invoker can Invoke two spells at level 3, there's more room for him.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by SeekHeart » October 18, 2013 4:55pm | Report
loving QW invoker since day 1, been trying QE but not as much fun with spells :( did the update mess up the tornado emp combo timing from prev version?


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by PeachFuzz » October 21, 2013 11:36am | Report
When I saw the change to invoke I immediately thought that Invoker could go with a 1:1:1:1 build by lvl 4. Early game damage is comes through Exort. It should be only a bit later than 3min at lvl 4, so the other mid has a bottle but has not started bottle crowing. With a nulls, Invoker has enough mana for a meteor-nado-snap combo, and that can kill most mids I think.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by lasvegasss » November 6, 2013 3:50am | Report
I think the mana steal doesn't really change anything. With lvl 15 and refresher orb invoker you can do way more damage with exort, e.g. double meteor+def blast and the minions. You dont need the mana regen because you already have a huge mana pool due to exort, you have cold snap, and force staff makes you mobile.
At solo mid exort gives you a huge adventage, invoker can win mid lane against almost every hero. On the other hand a QW invo does really small damage which means you won't be able to lasthit/deny well.
As exort you can help your teammates anywhere (with sunstrike) and get levels and farm at the same time which is very important for an invo.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by samukobo » November 6, 2013 4:23am | Report
lasvegasss wrote:

I think the mana steal doesn't really change anything. With lvl 15 and refresher orb invoker you can do way more damage with exort, e.g. double meteor+def blast and the minions. You dont need the mana regen because you already have a huge mana pool due to exort, you have cold snap, and force staff makes you mobile.
At solo mid exort gives you a huge adventage, invoker can win mid lane against almost every hero. On the other hand a QW invo does really small damage which means you won't be able to lasthit/deny well.
As exort you can help your teammates anywhere (with sunstrike) and get levels and farm at the same time which is very important for an invo.

No, Exort Invoker cannot win the lane against almost every hero, especially against common mids like Queen of Pain, Puck and Outworld Devourer. Sure enough, he has high right click damage but that alone does not win a lane, especially when your laning opponent is decent enough to not stand where he can be harassed physically.

Laning wise, Invoker is pretty bad unless he goes for a Quas- Exort build, due to his Forged Spirits and Cold Snap, which contradicts with the more effective Quas- Wex build because you'll get around 4 levels of Exort early.

Also, by helping teammates you mean dealing a bit of global pure damage that is extremely difficult to land and when it lands will most likely do nothing but kill steal, taking gold and some experience away from that #1 position hard carry who desperately needs the gold.

While you can't do things globally, you'll give your team more utility and help in the mid game if you go for QW, while having an exort focused gives good Ice Walls at best, and really high but unreliable damage at worst.



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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by lasvegasss » November 6, 2013 5:00am | Report
If you cannot win a lane against QoP or Puck, you're just bad at playing solo mid. You have way more damage, you have cold snap, nice attack range, and huge burst damage after the 3-4th minute of the game.
Sunstrike can be used to ks, but it can be used to harass the opposite teams hard carry who won't be able to farm, save an ally from being killed, or make a gank possible. Indeed it is hard to use, but don't pick a hero if you're not good enough right?
Maxing exort-quas doesn't mean not having any points on wex. You'll have tornado, defeaning blast, cold snap, ghost walk or alacrity as well.
So exort invo has: the escape mechanism, the disables, the slow, the mobility. It also had huge damage, global presence and the right-click damage.
Wex invo's adventages are the high ms and as (but it deals really low amount of damage) and the mana steal. He doesn't have the nukes, he is stuck in 1 lane, having a hard time against any solo heroes. And he has low mana pool.

Edit: high right-click damage is not only good for harassing the opponent but it makes denying and last hitting possible. With low damage you'll lose most of your creeps


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