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Bounty Hunter vs Riki

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Forum » Theory Crafting » Bounty Hunter vs Riki 20 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by daPhongster » April 15, 2012 8:59pm | Report
Bounter Hunter's cloak is active, time limited, costs mana, has a short blink time, can be added points to immediately, and has a 15 second cooldown.
Riki's cloak is activates automatically, is permanent, costs no mana, has a long blink time, must wait until level 6 to be added points to, and has no cooldown.

You can say you can use Bounty Hunter's cloak to escape easier, if you have mana and it isn't on cooldown (i.e. you strike near the end of cloak.), but Riki's is better for sneaking around.

Bounty Hunter's attacking skill, Shuriken Throw, ministuns and is ranged ( so you do not teleport to target). In addition, the damage is fixed. (325 at max)
Riki's attacking skill, Blink Strike, teleports you to the target. The damage is not fixed; damage is just added to your attack. (+ 120 at max)

You can say Riki's attack can pursue better (teleport > ministun), but Bounty Hunter's attack does more damage (Riki's attack starts matching Bounty Hunter at 205 attack)

Bounty Hunter's Assassination Skill, Jinada, gives addition percent damage to an attack after aits cooldown (225% at max). It also slows the target for 3 seconds.
Riki's Assassination Skill, Backstab, gives bonus damage based on agility. (1.25 damage per point of agility)

You can say Bounty Hunter's Assassination does more damage, but Riki's Assassination can be used repeatedly. This makes Bounty Hunter's attacks more suitable to finish off enemies, but Riki's more suitable to us on more healthful enemies.

Bounty Hunter's remaining skill, Bounty, must be used on a hero, gives sight of the target, and makes it easier as well as more rewarding to kill the target.
Riki's remaining skill, Smoke Bomb, can be used on anyone, and decreases enemy hit rate by a large amount (70% at max)

Both are skills are good for your whole team. However, Bounty Hunter's skill is more situational, and when used, is not fully taken advantaged of unless the hero is killed.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by bloodsuckern » April 24, 2012 3:55am | Report
And you created this thread becaaaauuuseeee??


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Desides » April 24, 2012 8:16am | Report
This would be better as a blog.

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Salawayun » May 1, 2012 8:29am | Report
Bounty Hunter can grant an additional 150 gold on each hero kill, increasing gold income, Riki can't
Bounty Hunter can work well with lesser farm (my common core would be PB-Drums-Orb of Venom-RoB) Riki would need more farm.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Alcatraz The Jaywalker » July 2, 2012 7:43pm | Report
What are you asking?

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » July 4, 2012 4:51am | Report
If you want to know which one of Bounty Hunter or Riki wins, it's Bounty Hunter ...

More burst damage, can see Riki using track, often criticals + maim, etc.

Also, this depends on the items, level, team, and so on.

For me, Bounty Hunter is way more useful for the team. Tracks, gold bonus, a lot of damage, no one really escapes of BH, etc.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Aera#252652 » July 18, 2012 4:57pm | Report
In my opinion, both heroes are good at assassinating and also carrying late game. But just that BH is a more better assassin who can start hunting in the early game and have alot of flexibility in building him as a assassin with his bursting damage capabilities.

As for SA, he can carry in late game much more better than BH with its smoke bomb and backstab. Thus, in one way or another SA is much more item dependent and need to farm up a few core items before he can start to hunt.

Lastly, the choice of hero also depend on your own playing style! Try and understand! Cheers!


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Glayde » August 13, 2012 3:11am | Report
In my opinion, Bounty Hunter is a lot better than Riki. Riki is more for pubstomping noobs and such. Bounty deals crits and maims, as well as a ministun. Track gives bonus gold to the team, etc.

However, Riki does have a silence. If that counts for anything.

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by StevenLK » August 16, 2012 10:11pm | Report
BH is able to gank faster and can get fed easily. He is also has more versatility than Riki who is a bit more teamfight oriented but can gank as well as BH once you get enough farm (diffusal).

Just my opinion.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by ERMAC__#172623 » August 21, 2012 5:18pm | Report
BH has more utility. He can kill earlier with less farm, and gets bonus gold to ALLIES as well while also having true sight. If track didn't give bonus gold to allies, he wouldn't be picked half as much as he is now(which is not a lot).

Riki is a better mid-late game carry with equal items. Riki can also solo kill many heroes that BH can't. Hard carry heroes with great escapes like Morph, AM, Slardar.

It depends on what your team needs and who you're playing against.

Jakiro should have been buffed already.


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