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I was just in a game as Legion Commander, trying to not lose a game, since her Moment of Courage got a bit nerfed, I just lose games with her. So, I wanted to try something new. What people insist on doing with Legion is buying tons of MS items and then tank. So, Agility Items (MS+Passive Armor) seemed like a good idea. I bought Diffusal Blade, Manta, and a Vanguard which are basic Agi Carry items. I got a Godlike streak 10/1.
Do you think that this should be something people do more? Build Legion as an Agility hero like Ursa is built as a Strength hero? Or does the regular Armlet, AC, Heart build still seem better and I just suck?
She doesn't go agi items since they dont provide as much attack speed/armor as straigh up items like AC or armlet. Plus extra hp is nice so you wont lose duals and a blink is always good to initiate the duals. The problem with manta is you cant use the active while in dual and running up to dual isnt the best way since they will just run. Plus, BKB is a necesity on nearly every carry.
Well, you would BKB anyway if they had stuns, but all they had this game was Mirana's arrow which hit me maybe once. So it would be a situational item. And duels last about 3 seconds since ur attacking so fast with so much Agi. The point of the Agility stacking is to make duels as short as possible.
Its the same with Armor/AS items. AC gives you 55 or 50 AS which is more than given by butterfly and the 15 amor as well, plus it gives the aura. Basically, your getting more bang for the buck with those types of items. Thats why you see most STR carrys going AC/Armlet and such..
Where a Butterfly is more effective on an AGI carry because it raises his damage, STR carries can build survivability and Damage Per Second items at the same time, as their main stat is STR. Armlet for example gives a bit of Aspd, but also gives damage, and survivability. Assault Cuirass, as mentioned, also grant armor to survive and attack speed to kill with.
So stacking AGI items could work, but in many cases you will be outdamaged by another AGI carry with the same items. However, if you can snowball properly, your Duel damage will make them cry. :(
If you want to get "agility items" just go Drum of Endurance + Yasha: this way you have very high movement and attack speed so you can focus on things like Black King Bar and Assault Cuirass early on. But even Drums + Armlet is fine, though I prefer the extra movement speed from the Yasha.
I don't think the Diffusal Blade is needed since you already have your ultimate; going for extra AGI items other than the Manta Style just keeps your damage low if you're having a bad game.
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