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Aggro tri-lane help

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Forum » Theory Crafting » Aggro tri-lane help 29 posts - page 1 of 3
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by TemperousTempest » July 5, 2014 11:33pm | Report
As the drafter of my newly made team, we wanna play an aggressive style but don't know good hero's to go into the tri-lane, if you could, could you leave strong aggro tri lanes and reason on why it's good...


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Peppo_oPaccio » July 6, 2014 2:03am | Report
There are many good aggressive trilane Heroes: in fact, any ranged support with a stun is a good partner. The most common ones are:
  • Shadow Demon, you can combo him with any stunner (most notably Leshrac and Lina because their stuns are AoE) for easy burst damage.
  • Ancient Apparition because of Chilling Touch, which is really op in the laning phase.
  • Vengeful Spirit because she has armor reduction and a stun.
  • Lion because he has two disables and, unlike Shadow Shaman, doesn't have channeling spells.
  • Visage, his nukes deals a lot of damage after an engagement; the slow is also really good.
  • Lastly, though he's a melee Hero, there's Treant Protector: his high base damage makes denies super easy, and the Leech Seed is one of my favourite aggressive trilane spells.

Talking about carries, I'll name a few with high nuking potential:
  • Lifestealer because he has magic immunity and a very strong slow.
  • Juggernaut because his nuke deals high damage and grants magic immunity.
  • Gyrocopter because Rocket Barrage deals a lot of single target damage for a very low mana cost.
  • Slark, I don't think I have to explain this.

Two other good trilane carries are Viper and Razor, because they can shut down the enemy carry very early on: they're tanks and have abilities that either punish the ones hitting them ( Unstable Current; Corrosive Skin) or lower their damage ( Static Link; Poison Attack). They're both great versus melee carries in general, because they can kite them or work around their high damage.

Trilane examples:


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by porygon361 » July 6, 2014 2:08am | Report
Don't forget Earthshaker! May be melee, but Fissure can really screw with enemies' positioning and prevent them from escaping.

Oh, and Rubick is pretty good too thanks to his Telekinesis, which stuns for 1.5 seconds at level 1.

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Bunkansee » July 6, 2014 2:22am | Report
I played an aggressive tri-lane with Lina(me), Slark and Slardar. This isn't probably a good combo but it went really well!


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by porygon361 » July 6, 2014 2:32am | Report
Bunkansee wrote:

I played an aggressive tri-lane with Lina(me), Slark and Slardar. This isn't probably a good combo but it went really well!

Vengeful Spirit in exchange for Slark would have been better, but I can tell that this lane has a lot of kill potential.

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Peppo_oPaccio » July 6, 2014 2:58am | Report
porygon361 wrote:

Don't forget Earthshaker! May be melee, but Fissure can really screw with enemies' positioning and prevent them from escaping.

Oh, and Rubick is pretty good too thanks to his Telekinesis, which stuns for 1.5 seconds at level 1.

Yeah, I forgot a few like Slardar and Mirana as carries and Crystal Maiden as support. I'm not a big fan of aggressive trilane Earthshaker, but it can work out pretty well on the Dire side.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by El_Alabe » July 6, 2014 5:04am | Report
axe-leshrack/lina-anyone has also a good potential, especially against melee opponent


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Timminatorr » July 6, 2014 5:07am | Report
Visage and Ancient Apparition are probably the 2 best tri vs tri heroes. Undying is also a specialist but is more situational and falls off really hard after the laning phase.

Shadow Demon and [[bane] provide amazing setup. SD is great paired with early magic damage and scales better against stat carries, while bane provides more reliable lockdown against slippery targets.
Naga Siren also fits as a setup support, but she is better at staying in lane and worse at roaming.

Other strong supports are, wraith king, veno, treant, skywrath, rubick, silencer, venge, crystal maiden, dazzle.
You can also use other supports like lion, KOTL, jakiro, sand king or leshrac, but they are not going to make or break the lane and require other good trilane heroes to make it work.
Wisp is also decent coupled with chaos knight+1.


Carries usually decide what sort or agressive lane it is going to be, a pushing lane, a killing lane, or a lane where you park a hero that will just outfarm their carry.

Pushing carries like Axe Pugna and Juggernaut are there to force the enemy away from the creepwave and take their tower really early. Apart from pugna it can require some creepskipping.

Killing trilanes usually have stuns or strong slows, high damage nukes, good attack damage or aura's to make all 3 heroes stronger.
Chaos knight, gyrocopter, lifestealer, mirana, razor, slardar, sven, ursa, weaver, wraith king.

If you have strong trilane supports you can also park a carry in their face who just farms while laughing, you cant go on me. They still need to contribute to the trilane though.
Luna, morphling, viper, bristleback, phantom assasin, or even phantom lancer can do a pretty good job at that.
Just watch out that you dont screw up and give up kills, becouse then you have to swap the lanes and are far behing in experience.

The most important thing of all is probably to find 2 supports that have good synergy and compensate for eachothers weaknesses, shadow demon+naga siren both have setup but pretty bad damage, so that is a bad combo, while bane+wraith king have both damage and setup.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Xyrus » July 6, 2014 6:12am | Report
Well, Aggressive Tri-Lanes can "win" the Lane in several ways, but I take it you're looking for Tri-Lanes that get Kills without giving them, i.e. the most FUN way to Aggro Tri-Lane! 8{D

Tim's already covered most of the basics, but...don't pick any Heroes that need levels to be effective, you should be able to Lock Down and Kill a target very quickly at Lvl1 in order to get a good headstart on your Tri-Lane since First Blood gives a massive advantage in Exp and Gold in Tri vs Tri, espcially if gotten in the first minute. Believe me, 1 Hero getting Boots by 1:00 is huge, especially if they have Nukes that benefit from Movement Speed, i.e. Jugernaut.

You need a few things:-
  • Damage
  • Survivability
  • Crowd Control

Good Damage dealers are ones that tend to do more damage when there are more Heroes around, e.g. Undying, Dazzle. There are also Heroes with good AoE Nukes, e.g. Jakiro, Tidehunter, Keeper of the Light, etc. Then there's Heroes with amazing Damage over Time, e.g. Juggernaut, Viper, Huskar etc. and don't forget about those who Buff Auto-Attacks, e.g. Ancient Apparition, Luna, etc. Finally, those who can spam their Nukes repeatedly are strong in Tri vs Tri, e.g. Skywrath Mage, Tidehunter,

Survivability is pretty important, it's no good having the Damage to get Kills if you're going to end up dying 1st. A good starting point is to have somone Tanky in your Tri-Lane, preferably the Core, e.g. Wraith King, Huskar, etc. Having a good defense against Disables can sometimes be needed, e.g. Abaddon, Shadow Demon, or just some method of Tanking through the Damage, e.g. Treant Protector, Dazzle, etc.

Finally, Crowd Control. While it's not always needed in an Aggressive Tri-Lane, it's needed if you want to get Kills. Having abilities that lock Heroes down for a long duration is pretty useful, e.g. Venomancer, Mirana, Wraith King, Bane etc. Having AoE CC can be pretty good too, although this is either Unreliable or costs a significant amount of Mana, e.g. Venomancer, Jakiro, Leshrac, etc.

There are also some abilities that reposition opponents, this can usually be more effective than a simple Stun, i.e. Rubick, Disruptor, Earth Spirit.

There are plenty of Abilities that are amazing in Aggro Tri-Lanes that don't fall under these categories, e.g. Mystic Snake/ Mana Drain/ Mana Burn, Enfeeble/ Static Link/ Anchor Smash, Sacrifice, Acid Spray/ Wave of Terror/ Gush/etc. so play around with different abilities and consider how they can net you Kills or stop your opponents from Farming, chase them out of the Lane, etc.

Combining your Tri-Lane with Global Skills from your other Laners is a good idea too, e.g. Drow Ranger (with 4-5 Ranged units only), Nature's Prophet, Invoker, Centaur Warrunner , etc.

If you want some good starting Combos to try out though, I recommend these:-

Sven + Leshrac + Dazzle, good AoE CC with Shadow Wave to keep everyone's HP up.
Bunkansee wrote:

I played an aggressive tri-lane with Lina(me), Slark and Slardar. This isn't probably a good combo but it went really well!

The idea is that Pounce is a good setup for many Skills, it lasts 3.5 seconds even at lvl1...although you didn't have that much Damage in your Team at lvl1. Combine this with Blade Fury and you have massive Killing potential. I don't like depriving a Slark of levels though, so I'm not too sure if he's a good Aggro Tri-Laner (Peppo seems to like this though D{X )

FYI, for anyone who wants to complain that 2 Cores are ridiculous, Support Jugg is rare, but legit 8{)
porygon361 wrote:

Vengeful Spirit in exchange for Slark would have been better, but I can tell that this lane has a lot of kill potential.

Not really, Venge is okay in Aggressive Tri-Lanes, but there's usually a better choice. Venge doiesn't shine in Aggro Tri-Lanes, since all she has is a Stun that's short-range, short-duration consumes most of her Mana. Wraithfire Blast is much, much better in every respect (well's only 25 units less short-range and is a little weaker ._. ).
porygon361 wrote:

Don't forget Earthshaker! May be melee, but Fissure can really screw with enemies' positioning and prevent them from escaping.

Oh, and Rubick is pretty good too thanks to his Telekinesis, which stuns for 1.5 seconds at level 1.

Earthshaker is pretty bad in Tri vs Tri. Fissure basically eats through all of his Mana after which he has nothing left and no competent Tri-Lane is going to bunch up to make Fissure that effective. It saves your Core from the 1st Gank, but if they go back in 10 seconds later...what's ES gonna do about it?

P.S. Rubick is good because he can reposition Heroes, lvl1 Disables aren't impressive unless they last at least 2 seconds, do significant Damage or have an additional effect or 2 ( Wraith King, Mirana, Leshrac, Lina, Alchemist all laugh at simple 1.5 second Disables (Venge and CM are sad now) 8{3
El_Alabe wrote:

axe-leshrack/lina-anyone has also a good potential, especially against melee opponent

This is actually pretty flawed, you need Berserker's Call in order to Disable anyone, since Split Earth and Light Strike Array are easily dodged, without Counter Helix, no one is going to be scared of an Axe.

Berserker's Call -> Light Strike Array -> Split Earth

This ^ might hold an opponent or 2 down for a while, but the Axe has to run right up to them in order it land it, and even if he does, there's barely any Damage worth mentioning at lvl1.

Berserker's Call -> Light Strike Array -> Diabolic Edict

This ^ has some potential if you catch someone out while they're away from the Creep Wave, but then, all they have to do is notice when the Axe has left the Lane and simply back off...or lie in wait and ambush...


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by sulaxrox » July 6, 2014 10:45am | Report
Don't judge this one without considering it first: Abaddon Io Bristleback Agro tri.
The boosted speed on BB makes it far too easy to net kills, throw on Aphotic Shield and he will dive, boosted with Tether allowing him to regen a bit more mana, we had a 13-0 Bristleback and killed the throne in less than 20min. Try it out, the big thing that put us over the top were our ability to deny kills, Abaddon with his heal, wisp with just saving someone with Relocate. The idea behind this was to devastate Weaver to the point of no return and we did.
Here's the dotabuff:
try it Bristlegod is a beast if you abuse him right
Step 1: Pick Bristleback
Step 2: type in all chat:"GL hf"
Step 3: solo offlane
Step 4: first blood triple kill solo vs trilane
Step 5: continue head butting keyboard
Step 6: don't care, Bristleback doesn't give a ****
Step 7: screenshot repeated: BB OP comments in all chat
Step 8: alternate games with Slark pick


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