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You a carry, I a carry, we all Carry.

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Forum » General Discussion » You a carry, I a carry, we all Carry. 17 posts - page 1 of 2

Poll Question:

What type of hero do you use?
Depends on how I feel
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by CobraCommand » February 14, 2013 9:50am | Report
I notice a lot in pubs were the majority of people play carries. Those people that eat gold to get good. I feeling like almost every game that I play in I have a team of 4+ carries vs a team of 4+ carries. It usually ends up being boring early to mid game and picking up a little end game.

I just wonder if everyone thinks that you have to play a carry to get kills (which is in no way the case.) or if they think that carries are the only fun heros (probably due to the massive power they get with the feed.) Just a thought.

Anyone else have any ideas or thoughts or comments?
Should they make supports a little stronger or more interesting in some way to pull players away from carries?

I usually use supports or mid-gamers due to the massive amount of gold that harder late game carries need and I just hate being really weak without any items.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by drakon136 » February 14, 2013 9:58am | Report
I voted for 'Depends how I feel'. I generally play semi-carries or supports; which one I pick depends on my mood.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Col3yf » February 14, 2013 10:12am | Report
I like Semi-Carry and some support. Its hard because I can play some guys but not others that do almost the same thing.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » February 14, 2013 10:16am | Report
Depends on what I feel. Usually anything except support. Lately I started playing more support though.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Kruggles » February 14, 2013 10:21am | Report
The game doesn't really distinguish between Carries and Semi-carries, which may be part of the reason. That is more a term the community made to represent the characters not fully devoted to carrying. Either way, its very rare that a team doesn't have at least 2-3 hard carries and 1-2 semi-carries a game.

Personally, I play a mix of semi-carry, support, and pusher. Pushing is actually surprisingly effective in low-level pubs if you're quick about it. The average response time to a push is horrendous (20 sec+). With a character like Lone Druid (CAN be a carry, but not necessarily) or Nature's Prophet, you can eat a tower before they are even halfway to you mid-late game.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by CobraCommand » February 14, 2013 12:01pm | Report
Kruggles wrote:

The game doesn't really distinguish between Carries and Semi-carries, which may be part of the reason. That is more a term the community made to represent the characters not fully devoted to carrying.

The game doesn't really have a semi carry group, but I think the rating for carry (star system) helps to distinguish them. More along the lines of semi-carries being at 1-2 stars. (There are some that don't fit this)

I also think that supports have a stigma that they are solely there to buy the wards and such so most newer players choose not to use them. For myself I think that supports are the easier starting group sense they don't require much item build up (which can be challenging) and they have really strong skills. Although this also makes them targets because they are also squishy in most cases. Which can also make them not very attractive.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by LarpingCthulhu » February 14, 2013 8:13pm | Report
I picked "depends how I feel" because there wasnt an option for "what my team needs". You are right though, most people play the game in a selfish fashion and only want to get lots of farm and kills. Often times to such a degree that no one buys a courier or wards the entire match(seriously, I have seen this many times). And then they wonder why they lose and rage at their team for being noobs. Yay!

Also, there are definitely semi-carries in this game. QoP is a perfect example. She is not going to carry you late game but really shines as a roamer/ganker in the mid and a nuker in the late.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Darkstorne » February 15, 2013 2:14am | Report
I'm always playing Support right now, for exactly the reason you posted - every game I join has players rolling as carries. I've raised questions about it though, and apparently it gets better as you level up and start playing with more experienced groups.

I really enjoy it though! Usually play as Omni or CM, but tried out Keeper of Light last night and HOLY ****! He's Gandalf! He even has that ridiculously overpowered wave of galloping horses that devastates EVERYTHING in his path. Takes ages to charge up, but if you take one of the side lanes with a carry you can just stand behind the trees, wait for the two enemy heroes to show up, and watch them **** themselves as a herd of nuclear horses takes them both down to 50% HP and obliterates all of their creeps.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by nryn » February 15, 2013 5:45am | Report
I chose depends on how I feel too. And I find less fun in playing heroes that need huge amounts of farm to make a difference in teamfights, and after you do, suddenly it all ends because you're overfarmed.

Lately I prefer windrunner or sand king. those heroes that i can have fun even without too many items or those who can flash farm when I need to.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by naga » February 16, 2013 3:16am | Report
Random, when I get Meepo, I instantly repick


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