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racism in dota 2 and solutions?

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Forum » General Discussion » racism in dota 2 and solutions? 9 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by shroy » July 7, 2014 6:57am | Report
well have been playing dota 2 for a reasonable amt of time now but recently realized there are many people having problem with me(cause am from india)...
well my best servers are sea and us east,west....just had a game where u know the usual trash talk started in all chat but 2 guys from singapore saw my steam profile and started the abuse

anyone knows what valve does in this case?


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Bunkansee » July 7, 2014 7:19am | Report
Valve probably doesn't do much. It happens in so many games and happens so often that it's impossible to stop it. You can report people or either ignore or mute them. Don't even listen to them. If they're not helping on your team then it's no good paying attention to what they're saying. You can block people who are horrible off game too. Just find their profile and there should be a way to block them somewhere...


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » July 7, 2014 7:23am | Report
You can't really avoid racism, it's everywhere.

The single thing you can do to prevent it is to mute the racist players and to report them, that's all.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Ab4ddon._.E43 » July 7, 2014 7:23am | Report
It happens all the time, ignore and move on. DONT FEED THE TROLL!
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Sando » July 7, 2014 7:28am | Report
I'm pretty sure you can make your profile private, this should stop anyone being able to dig up information on you during a game. It's kinda sad this is the only thing I can really suggest, otherwise the usual Mute/Report as above. I always try to report for unpleasant or repeated rascism, even if I'm not the target of it - hopefully these idiots might learn.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by porygon361 » July 7, 2014 7:45am | Report
Some people are simply so shallow that they would insult someone they don't even know based on their skin colour. Don't sweat it, just relish in the fact that they are huge losers trying to give themselves some self-worth.

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by shroy » July 7, 2014 8:49am | Report
yeah i dont mind much but over the last year it has become very bad maybe since it free now....yeah better to just play on and w8 for next match


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by bballer23 » July 7, 2014 9:09am | Report
I ignore it, I'm asian so I receive some of that racism myself. Just mute the kid and he/she won't be a problem. Whatever you do, do not flame back. You will just be lowering yourself to that kids status.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by » July 12, 2014 6:27am | Report
Report the player and ignore it.
Ingame you can mute/block players, that's the way to go.

> Alternatively you can chose to not display your Country. To do so log in into steam, on your account click "profile" then click "edit profile" and choose "Do not display" under country.

Keep in mind that people will still flame. It's part of the game I guess. There are so many trolls.
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