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Beginner Need Help!

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by asyifahikari » April 11, 2018 5:29am | Report
I'm New Here How to Fast Pratice and play Dota2 Like a pro?


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by SaiKo_Sama3 » April 12, 2018 1:05pm | Report
im pretty new myself; maybe 700hrs. The best advice i can give you from my experience thus far is to play the game, watch live matches of heroes you enjoy playing and hate playing against, and use the learn tab in game. Good luck, have fun!


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » April 13, 2018 4:02am | Report
Hey there, welcome to DOTAFire!

Some of the many ways to learn how to play are the following:
  • read guides and watch videos of people explaining how the game works
  • select a few heroes to begin with and get comfortable with
  • watch experienced players play and try to learn from them
  • play a lot and don't give up

Be creative, in the end it's up to you how you prefer learning! Make sure to have fun while doing so! :)
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by VengefulJerry » June 12, 2018 4:12am | Report

I am relatively new myself, I was in your situation a year or so ago. I suggest that you watch the pro matches and read up on guides. A simple google search for "Dota 2 mmr guide" will give you quite a bit to read.

The rest is practice and more practice and getting better.
If Uma Therman were to seek vengence on Ping, the movie would be called Kill Ping.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by JamesWilly » June 13, 2018 3:22am | Report
asyifahikari wrote:

I'm New Here How to Fast Pratice and play Dota2 Like a pro?

Hey there, I am new to DOTA as well, my suggestion would be to watch tournaments rather then read text guide. DOTA gets updated way too quickly and text guides might not be able to provide you content accordingly. Just head over to YouTube and search for latest majors(tournaments). Hope it will help you out.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by protos2 » June 27, 2018 8:11am | Report
For sure you need to look at the quality of your game. Better play one game well then 10 games when you are tired like a hell. For me, better is watching pros than playing like a **** when I am bored after 1-2 games. That kind of play helps you play 10 games - 10 wins in a row and be better and better. In opposite, you can see players who at the same time get 50 games and 60% loses.

On the other hand in games like WoW it is better sometimes to buy wow items or buy wow gold if you do not have too much time for farming and grinding and then skill up doing arena or other dungeons. Trying to do that with insufficient gear it is wast of time and big fault.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by LordVesper » June 27, 2018 11:46pm | Report
To add to protos2's statement, it's also better if you stick to a maximum of 20 heroes, preferably even less as you cannot possibly master all the heroes in the game at any point due to how the meta shifts over time. You'd like to have at least one hero per role which are: Support, Carry, Roamer/Secondary Support, Midlaner, and Offlaner
Here are the guides that I've kept up to date:
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by TheSofa » June 28, 2018 8:27am | Report

If you're new to dota, here are some things you can do to quickly improve your gameplay:

1) Select a few heroes to focus on and stick to them. It's much easier to improve when you don't have to constantly worry about what your abilities do.

2) Be familiar with the map - when do bounty runes spawn? when do neutral camps respawn? how long does it take for Roshan to come back? when is it day time/night time?

3) Watch your own replays. I can't stress this enough - even if you don't catch all your mistakes usually you don't play perfectly to even your own ability. Watching your own replays can give you time to reflect and improve. It's always worth your time to watch a replay if your goal is improvement.

4) Watch pro games. This is a bit of a double-edged sword (see below) but it will definitely help if you approach it with the right mindset.

But more importantly, the correct attitude to have:

1) No matter how bad your teammates are, there's always something you can improve on. You're not perfect, neither are they.

2) You're not a pro player. Some stuff works only in pro play and with teammates that are also in on the plan. In your average ranked games communication and synergy will not be as good. Know where to draw the line.

3) Have fun! Nothing kills improvement more than losing motivation. Dota is a game, remember to enjoy it!

That's it for me, good luck on your adventures!


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Queque » July 3, 2018 8:38am | Report
I would like to emphasize two things that I view as the core when it comes to playing Dota 2 like a professional player successfully: 1) knowing how the games works and; 2) having realistic expectations.

1) True power is in the knowledge

It can't hurt you to know what you're doing and what you should be doing, right? Devil is in the details. Reading guides gives you the needed self-confidence. Of course, I would note that it's not a good idea to follow them blindly. Consider guides as a set of tools that you'll use depending on the given situation. The knowledge that you've gained by reading guides should be used in a way that you can adapt your play style to fill in the gaps. Knowledge about how the games work helps you to predict the outcome of your actions. It really sucks when your games start to feel like you're playing poker with a blindfold.

An example: You're playing an all pick game. You choose Phantom Assassin. If you just picked her without any previous reading about her role and spells, there are high chances that you won't know that using Stifling Dagger on heroes who are affected by Black King Bar spell immunity does them physical damage, but doesn't slow their movement speed.

Even though you can learn that by reading a description of that spell when you hover your mouse over it, most Averages Joes and Janes won't know that, so when that happens they will chicken and start running back when an enemy hero uses it because they don't know a difference between physical and magical damage. Also, you'll really surprise an enemy player who thinks that he became invincible just because he got it to counter your annoying slow effect that killed him 5 times in a row!

2) Don't expect pro outcomes when playing a pub game

To simply put it: Dota 2 is a team based game. To stomp an opposing team, teammates need to have a decent level of coordination and cooperation between their actions. When you're playing with strangers, you can't really expect that to happen. Never bash your teammates because they're not doing it well. The only thing that will happen when you start flaming them because of their 0/7/0 score is that it will turn into a 0/14/0. Instead of playing with total strangers, try to find a party of players and practice team play with them.


In the end, remember that Dota 2 is just a game. If it stops being a fun activity and it turns out to become an endless journey of chasing winning streaks, then you my friend, in my honest opinion, need to back down a little bit.


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