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LordVesper's Blog
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May 18, 2018
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Hello, everyone! Just wanted to say that my Phantom Assassin guide is OFFICIALLY done! I'll be keeping it updated with the patches to come so don't worry about it being eventually outdated. Now, as for my next move, I'm planning to renew the Bloodseeker guide I made a while back and replace it with this new guide format I've created. Or, I may even make a guide on how to properly go about in solo ranked queues since I've realized that a lot of people are having trouble in this aspect of the game. Besides, I'm starting to get tired of people complaining about their teammates every game when they've basically asked for it by going into matchmaking on their own!

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November 01, 2017

7.07 Madness! We Dota Imba now :D

Views: 2310 LordVesper
+Rep Report
With the "Dueling Fates" update drastically changing the game itself, I've decided to scrap all my previous hero guides and remake them from scratch! Stay tuned for those and the toxicity guide I mentioned in my previous blog. Anyways, since the update is very fresh, I might not be able to provide the most optimal of strategies so please forgive me for any mistakes I might make in the future.

So, what do you guys think of the update? Personally, I think it's about time Dota 2 got a major update since 7.00 was released several months ago and the game was starting to become stale. Although, I must admit that the Dota 2 development team will need to do a lot of bug-fixing and balance changes since they've added several new mechanics and quirky interactions. Heck, people are already complaining about gamebreaking bugs/interactions such as the following:
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October 11, 2017

Upcoming Guide about Toxicity!

Views: 1494 LordVesper
+Rep Report
dont  |  even  |  fck  |  help  |  i  |  srsly  |  tags  |  these  |  they  |  think
A few months ago, I've made a guide on how to increase your Solo MMR by usage of positive mental attitude and optimal mindsets. This time, I'll be making a guide that PURELY focuses on dealing with Dota 2's toxicity and how we, as a community, can deal with it. I know it's not really a guide that will make you that much better in Dota 2, but I hope it'll still help some of you in a way.

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October 06, 2017
+Rep Report
 |  agility  |  bloodseeker  |  build  |  contest  |  dota2  |  future  |  goddamn  |  guide  |  make  |  man  |  no  |  plans  |  sense  |  strategy  |  tags  |  these
HEY EVERYONE! I'm back from the dead yet again and I APPARENTLY won the ******* contest! Granted it was only one of the specific categories but still! I won, and I just want to thank everyone who supported me along the way and didn't trash me for making guides on a video game (which most of my classmates did but fck em). Anyways, I'll calm down... Okay, so for future plans, I'm going to make even more guides but the process will be much slower since I decided to focus on my YouTube channel once again. But don't worry, I STILL play Dota 2 and I will probably play it A LOT more once Puss In Boots and Tinkerbell arrives.

ANYWAYS, see you next time guys! :D

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July 22, 2017
+Rep Report
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Hey guys! LordVesper here and I'm officially back! School's been taking up a lot of my time but I finally managed to setup schedules for my Dotafire guides. Anyways, for my first action, I will be making a guide on micromanagement, Divine Rapier usage, and guide to Sven! So stay tuned for that :D

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