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All random, All support

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Forum » General Discussion » All random, All support 8 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by whitenun » September 22, 2013 12:17pm | Report
So my buddy and I are on a losing streak and we decide just one more game because we need a win before we quit. Queue up and get all random, and our whole team is support. I get bane and decide to repick for a chance at some sort of carry, then I get lich. Another guy repicked and got Visage.

Who did we face? Templar Assassin, Phantom Assassin, Tusk, Brewmaster, and Mirana. Needless to say the game was not a win. I just can't believe that Valve pretty much decided that our group of 5 people deserve to lose today =/


Posts: 26
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » September 22, 2013 1:06pm | Report
whitenun wrote:

So my buddy and I are on a losing streak and we decide just one more game because we need a win before we quit. Queue up and get all random, and our whole team is support. I get bane and decide to repick for a chance at some sort of carry, then I get lich. Another guy repicked and got Visage.

Who did we face? Templar Assassin, Phantom Assassin, Tusk, Brewmaster, and Mirana. Needless to say the game was not a win. I just can't believe that Valve pretty much decided that our group of 5 people deserve to lose today =/

I also had days like this man.. losing streaks, they hurt, but what can you do, take a break and try later !
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by samukobo » September 22, 2013 5:59pm | Report
It all depends on the team, actually. All support does not mean a loss. In fact, you can actually win pretty easily with this against pub opponents, provided that your team actually knows what you're doing.

Anyone can get built as a carry, and your team cannot ENTIRELY support and win, so one or two of you will have to ditch the support role and build as a carry. Any support can do this, but this is best done with heroes who have good offensive stat gain ( Dazzle, Ogre Magi, etc) or heroes that have spells that could work as a carry ( Earthshaker with Enchant Totem was used as a carry once by Na'Vi, never going to forget that). Those heroes should work on their DPS rather than getting the traditional support items.

Also, the other supports should focus on disables and heavy nukes because teamights will make or break your all support team, or just straight up get Warlock and kill everything with Fatal Bonds.

Getting carry items on a support may seem like a hindrance to their abilities at first, but NOT getting that Blink Dagger doesn't mean they can't deal huge damage via their spells. (For heroes like ES though, you would still want to make Arcane Boots) Besides, they have huge dps anyway.

EDIT: In your case, you could have gone with Visage mid and Lich offlane, with the other people going to a trilane to secure kills. Visage would opt for heavy damage items with a bit of attack speed as the #2 role using Grave Chill as his primary steroid (probably max it second instead of Gravekeeper's Cloak to get online faster) while another one of your teammates get DPS too.



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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by RobinTh3Hood » September 22, 2013 6:01pm | Report
samukobo wrote:

It all depends on the team, actually. All support does not mean a loss. In fact, you can actually win pretty easily with this against pub opponents, provided that your team actually knows what you're doing.

Anyone can get built as a carry, and your team cannot ENTIRELY support and win, so one or two of you will have to ditch the support role and build as a carry. Any support can do this, but this is best done with heroes who have good offensive stat gain ( Dazzle, Ogre Magi, etc) or heroes that have spells that could work as a carry ( Earthshaker with Enchant Totem was used as a carry once by Na'Vi, never going to forget that). Those heroes should work on their DPS rather than getting the traditional support items.

Also, the other supports should focus on disables and heavy nukes because teamights will make or break your all support team, or just straight up get Warlock and kill everything with Fatal Bonds.

Getting carry items on a support may seem like a hindrance to their abilities at first, but NOT getting that Blink Dagger doesn't mean they can't deal huge damage via their spells. (For heroes like ES though, you would still want to make Arcane Boots) Besides, they have huge dps anyway.

Ogre Magi carry is SOOOOO much fun


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by mattyg2787 » September 22, 2013 6:32pm | Report
We had that with Warlock, SS, Lion, Chen and Dark Seer.

We grouped up and pushed and managed to somehow pull out a win in the first 25 minutes.

Fun times but still, it sucks


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Tyerker » September 23, 2013 9:51am | Report
Visage should have gone mid and been your Hard Carry!

I had one once where it was limited heroes and our team ended up
Dragon Knight
Bounty Hunter
Sand King
So we really needed a support right? So I picked Omniknight because Lion was already chosen.

No range...
Going up against:
Drow Ranger

It was bad...


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by El_Alabe » September 23, 2013 11:15am | Report
Lol i found the all support team too once, almost, our main carry was meepo, then we had disruptor,omniknight, leshrack and ogremagi, on the other team enigma earthshaker darkseer pugna and antimage!!!
We manage to get some early kills and who had the early gold advantage went carry instead of supporting! We also won,one of the funniest game of my dotalife!!!!
(sry for my english)


Posts: 34
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by whitenun » September 24, 2013 8:41am | Report
Yeah, we could have won. Got T1 top quickly but just couldn't keep the momentum up. Would have helped to be in better communication with this other guys, but oh well. Just thought it was a funny situation and wanted to share.


Posts: 26

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