January 02, 2015

Once upon a time

Views: 1700 wangyuphing
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Once upon a time, Tidehunter was watching Spongebob on his house. At that time, Kunkka harbored right above him. Not realizing, Tidehunter continued to watch his favourite movie, while Kunkka and his crews just slept from the fatigue of sailing for 7 days.

A Satyr happened to pass by, and saw Kunkka and his crews sleeping peacefully. He said: "What a chance, the Mighty Captain Kunkka, sleeping peacefully in this harbour, what a joke!" He stealthily approached, start stealing stuff, and ran away.

A good crew woke up, and saw his captain's ship were mascarred. He immediately rang the bell, woking up the crews. Unfortunately, he rang the wrong bell, the one that signals anchor dropping. Without a single clue, the other crew just drop the anchor right on Tidehunter's TV, therefore destroying it and his favourite cartoon.

Tidehunter got mad, and unleashed his mighty Ravage, sinking Kunkka's ship. His ship's fragment still remained there, not getting caught by the waves, and everyone who dares to touch the remnants will get heavily cursed, and drowned, to join the Mighty Captain Kunkka in his quest to slay the Ship Sinker Tidehunter.