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The Way of Retard's Blog
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The Way of Retard
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January 17, 2013
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I have decide to explore Omniknight as my first subject to write about. I will list Omnikinght needs with priority order.

1) Mana pool and mana regeneration
2) Health point
3) Extra effect
4) Damage per second

This is my first thought of Omniknight. Let this be my hypothesis.

First of all why did I say he need mana? Omniknight were picked not because his stat nor his damage. The main reason he is pick is because of his skills. How can we maximize his potential is with sufficient mana. If he can cast his spell when ever its need, he is utilized.

Second, it is generally can be said Health point but what I want to appoint here is his survivability. Omniknight need to survive for at least after he cast all his spell. But casting all his spell is not enough. He needs to cast it on perfect timing. The worst case is he is dead without using any of his skill. A sufficient survivability is important so he can buy some time on timing his skills and casting it. Besides that I also sees some p…
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January 17, 2013

Self Introduction (The Way of Retard)

Views: 1753 The Way of Retard
+Rep Report
Hello guys, I am The Way of ****** and you can call me TWoR. If you really want to pronounce it, you can pronounce it as Wor which you silent the T or just pronounce it as War in British ascent. English is not my native language so Broken English is a MUST.

My DotA thing start in early 2012. The story begin when I am doing research about the end of world. Turn to be my research end up with Mayan's theory which the world will end during 2012. At the time I am so scared and feel so down. So, I decide to resign from my job and spent my last moment the way that i want.

I decided to have fun with cyber-life before my life ended. I rent small apartment room, buy new PC and rent fastest internet service available. I do a lot of thing but end up with DotA. Since then I play DotA like 24/7 and Isolate myself from real world.

Time goes fast and now its 2013. Clearly I am **** up right now. Mayan's are liar. Clearly, Mayan's is not trust able, and maybe they are just some idiot cult. So, despi…
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