A support is a hero that doesn't get items and their whole purpose is to make sure that some other lucky guy gets a bunch of money and the ability to farm and get a ton of items to own, while they have to basically be their servant and buy wards, a courier, etc.
That's not it. Here's my definition of a support class:
A support is a hero who can dominate early/mid-game, when people don't have many items, gold, or experience because their skills are generally very good. Thus, they do buy items to support their team, not because they serve the carry, but because they don't need the items to be versatile, and their gold can be better spent elsewhere.
It's very obvious that

and charge in all protected, but that's just stupid. No one needs a Leroy Jenkins on their team.ANY hero can be made a carry with the right items, but Abaddon doesn't need it. His specialty is ganking early game with his slow and damage, and keeping carries/initiators alive with his magic shield. Everyone likes carries, so I can understand why people want to make him into a carry. But really, being a support isn't all that bad, if you'd read over my definition of "support" again. So please, make a guide or two about supporting with Abby, it's where his skill lies and where he should be.
If you disagree with me in any way, I'd be happy to hear it down below in the comments. Spread this around to your fellow DotA players as well, everyone should read this.
Well, you're right on the tankiness thing.
Why would you dive past tier 2 at level 1? And how would laning with
I meant Abaddon as the carry. Why the hell would two carries go for a dual lane. Use some common sense man.
As for the diving, its for greedy 1st bloods.
Why would you dive past tier 2 at level 1? And how would laning with
EDIT: reading the parts of your comment which make sense, you do have a point. However, is his actual offensive impact on the game enough to consider him a better carry than most commonly played carries like
Oh, and the amount of risk he can take is basically tankability.
You can go offensive at lvl 1. Not a risk others can take. Diving past the tier 2 is possible with this insane diver at even lvl 1. The longer you live the more of an impact you make. Lifestealer is an OKish carry. He is just the rage right now. There are many WAAAAAAY better carries out there.
Due his general skill set a mom and treads are all you need to dominate. Not even 15 min of farm.
Laning with Abaddon is like a carries dream come true.
You can even manage soloing a trilane which is not something other carries can do.
DOTA 101: Tanking doesnt equal risk taking factor. Get your basics right.
Example: A puck jumps into 5 man groupings and euls n orbs himself out. He is taking a huge risk by doing this. This does not make him tankier. Puck is one of the most fragile of heroes.
Tanking is defined as soaking damage and the tankier the guy the more his EHP. Higher EHP means more tankiness.
Dont assume everyone to be a kyfoid dude.
I coined the kyfoid term.
AND good luck finding ne1 who plays Abaddon better than me, i DARE YOU KIDDO.
Please learn your place next time before you try to act as a smart***. Atleast read the comment before passing on your superior judgement.
EDIT: reading the parts of your comment which make sense, you do have a point. However, is his actual offensive impact on the game enough to consider him a better carry than most commonly played carries like
Oh, and the amount of risk he can take is basically tankability.
If you think tankability and a passive slow is what makes
Did i mention nething about his slow or tankability?
Dont assume everyone to be a kyfoid dude.
I coined the kyfoid term.
AND good luck finding ne1 who plays Abaddon better than me, i DARE YOU KIDDO.
His tankability is good but its not what makes him special.
His slow is average at best. A bristleback has a much better slow.
His real plus point is the amount of risk you can take with him. You can jump into the whole enemy team alone, kill two of them and still live to tell the tale. Its his unstoppable force, he can dive into the fountain and run out at full health. HE CAN ****ING REMOVE DOOM.
Give him a MoM and while his ulti is active you will have a kill or two AND be back at full health.
As for playing him as a support an omni can pretty much do all he can do for his team and way better than an Abaddon.
Please learn your place next time before you try to act as a smart***. Atleast read the comment before passing on your superior judgement.
Trust me when i say this ,if u arent playing him as a carry you are wasting his potential.
Your slow and shield allow you to dive towers early game and score kills without help. Your Shield is a serious farming tool with the right know-how and it also allows you to farm in relative safety without needing a babysitter in lane. after farming up a set of items (skull basher MoM and Armlet in my case) you become very tanky and dish out large auto attack damage in the mid game and if you then manage to farm further items ( assault cuirass or heart) you can then deal enough auto attack damage and have the potential to stun lock. You become very tanky and are able to easily stare down full teams alone and come out alive. Also your abilities benefit you far more than they do other members of your team, your shield bursting when you dive is better as you are also applying a slow whereas if faceless was to dive he may get a single stun off and then more than likely die.
In short Abbadon can support but is easily more carry orientated, this can be shown in the potential item choices that would make him more carry orientated and also in the skill set he has which can be built to maintain his health(shield) and allow him to tank (borrowed time) whilst slowing down enemies and finishing them off with your nuke.
Let me start off with the fact that I view him as a support too. But his skill set doesn't totally make it look that way. Mist coil is a good nuke/heal but it deals little damage and also takes his hp. Aphotic shield is his only real supportive skill. Curse of Avernus and Borrowed time are what make people think that he is a carry imo. The slow is nice and if he is played as a support chances are, his not gonna be auto attacking much though. The problem is he has no cc potential and his slow is pretty bad. He just runs in to tank damage and his nukage or ultility potential is somewhat low. I'd build him as a semi support than can transition into a semi carry. Hes a hero that can be played in lots of roles like windrunner.
You said it yourself his nuke is weak, and it fairs much better as a heal, not to mention you can deny yourself with it. Supports are often picked off for being squishy and lacking items, the ability to deny yourself is HUGE in that regard.