July 17, 2013

Abaddon is a support, and you know it, so come on, make serious guides.

Views: 4225 The Cheesemaster
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Abaddon  |  Heroes  |  Carries  |  Hard carries  |  Support
Let me begin by defining the word "Support" how some people see supports:
A support is a hero that doesn't get items and their whole purpose is to make sure that some other lucky guy gets a bunch of money and the ability to farm and get a ton of items to own, while they have to basically be their servant and buy wards, a courier, etc.

That's not it. Here's my definition of a support class:

A support is a hero who can dominate early/mid-game, when people don't have many items, gold, or experience because their skills are generally very good. Thus, they do buy items to support their team, not because they serve the carry, but because they don't need the items to be versatile, and their gold can be better spent elsewhere.

It's very obvious that Abaddon is an extremely versatile and great hero because of his insane ult, passive, and other skills. But he doesn't need items... everything you guys list is just luxury. I think there's a reason that his Aphotic Shield can be cast on other heroes, not just himself. It makes him an amazing lane support, and because of his skills, he can help in a teamfight without getting a whole ****load of farm, letting the real carries like Drow Ranger and Faceless Void get gold for items and protection from Aphotic Shield so they don't die in the laning phase. In a teamfight, he could say


and charge in all protected, but that's just stupid. No one needs a Leroy Jenkins on their team.

ANY hero can be made a carry with the right items, but Abaddon doesn't need it. His specialty is ganking early game with his slow and damage, and keeping carries/initiators alive with his magic shield. Everyone likes carries, so I can understand why people want to make him into a carry. But really, being a support isn't all that bad, if you'd read over my definition of "support" again. So please, make a guide or two about supporting with Abby, it's where his skill lies and where he should be.

If you disagree with me in any way, I'd be happy to hear it down below in the comments. Spread this around to your fellow DotA players as well, everyone should read this.