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Sinthri's Blog
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August 01, 2013
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After having played the mighty Omnibus in several games now, though my rating ist still around lvl 2 I got the feeling that Omni seems some how useless in early and midgame... Don't get me wrong... I'm warding like a hell and supporting how I can but my experience is that 99% of the players in early game have no clue what the hell they shall do and do not know who Omni is.

Yesterday I had a damn good game lasting over 45 minutes. However I was 2nd highest in level in my Team... got to lvl 24 which I never made before because simply games were over until that.

Picked to the bot lane with the Skorpion... same story as usual... every time retreating after bkb or heal, not gaining XP and not last hitting. Was also immune to my advices.
Two on top lane which couldnt make it better than the little Skorpion. Only the big water melon guy was useful. So I decided to support the water melon and from that we had a good dame.
About Omni I have the feeling that around lvl 9-10 he turns into the s…
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August 01, 2013

Sinthri's Omniblog

Views: 1285 Sinthri
+Rep Report
Wow... there is an omniblog function here... cool :D

Well what shall I write into my blog since I never did that before.
Will other people read that? Maybe yes...

So, maybe I should start to say sth abt myself.
Well I'm Sinthri, which is the stupid name of my second WoW Character which was an ugly female orcish warrior tank basher back in 2005. I'm using that name ever since that for all freakin Characters I made.

About dota.. I am a bloody nooby. Last time played while WC3 tried again with SC2 mods and never heard of anything else but laughing out loud which I did not like cause I did not want to pay to win.

I'm playing Dota now since beginning of July. After having tried several classes, starting with stupid hard carries in PBs as I believe every bloody noob does I'm now back to my roots as a freakin rock'n'rollin He4l0l lane support Omniblog uhm knight. That's my class. I love it.

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