Observations from a Noob - Laning
Views: 1846 RaidhynDespite laning being the most constant and predictable part of each match, I see a lot of mistakes that can probably be blamed on how experienced or focused players are in the skill area I'm playing right now. (which I'm guessing is with other fellow noobs) I'm guilty of screwing up in the laning phase too, and it's something I'm trying to correct. Below are a lot of the more common things I notice players doing, along with my own shortcomings.
TL;DR version: The Lane-phase is important. Focus on farming, smart play, and being a good lane partner so you can have a successful match.
Auto-Attacking Constantly
In just about every "New Player" guide that exists out there, there's a large portion explaining how you shouldn't auto-attack in the laning phase. It pushes the lane closer to the enemy tower making it harder t…
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