June 17, 2015

Do Your Job

Views: 1460 R-Conqueror
I am on a bad losing trend right now, its just been the past few days but I've literally only won like 1 game. I have free time so I'm wanting to play, but it just has not been working out. But why?

Well I've done a lot of self-evaluation believe me, and I'm not really on tilt. I'm starting out every game fresh and ready to do things right, and the game just keeps falling apart. Like it's ugly. A few games I have lost because of complete ragers and idiots, but most of them are just kinda..nothing works.

So what is it?

Well at the end of almost every game I win, there's something I say:

Nice job guys, everyone did their part

This sentiment goes nicely with the old adage that DotA is a team game.

Why do I say that? I say it because at the end of a good game everything interlocks. Your supports babysat well so you were able to farm well and then mid could go help offlane and offlane could gank your lane and you got items up you got wards up you picked your fights and went as a team and you took objectives and you turtled together and everyone did what they had to do to win.

So what's happening in the bad games is that people simply are not pulling their weight on the team, so if I'm not playing well enough to counteract that? Dunzo. The same goes if I have a bad game and nobody else plays well enough to pick me up and dust me off.

Mid isn't quite taking advantage of their matchup, the supports aren't babysitting well or the carry isn't farming well, the offlane has died just a few too many times. Then what seems to happen is that you stabilize out in the midgame, some good trades, and then you just can't quite crest that hill to get back ahead.

For the sake of this blog post, I hope you know what I'm talking about, but I wouldn't wish such a messy game on any of you.

So now to the educational part: When everything seems to be going a little sour, DO NOT start raging. A few helpful comments is great, but recognize that you aren't playing at your best either so you can't really act that high-and-mighty. Just set an example and DO YOUR JOB {Roll Credits} Become the leader of the team just by being able to show them.

boom i have my wards down/ hey i'm close to a core item/ bam I just avoided a gank/ skadoosh i just pulled off a gank on their support/im disengaging from fights and avoiding death/i just got a four man ult/ you are leading by example, not just yelling through a mic.

Now you'll still lose games, it took me forever to get to a solid 51% winrate, losing a game of dota is somehow much easier than winning it, even though the logic of that would seem to state otherwise. But making sure oyu do your part will give you a peace about the game, that it wasn't you that people will be mad about, you didn't bring the team down.

Well I'm gonna go take my own advice and try to get out of this streak tomorrow, wish me luck!