December 16, 2014

Praetor's certifiabley insane and guaranteed to get reported hero builds!

Views: 3186 Praetor42
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sup fools this is praetor with his first blog post. i figured if i started a blog i could at least get a few people to follow me and give me their money and wives but to do that need your help! (i have never done a blog before so forgive me if i am barbaric in my understanding of the system.)

You ,my soon to be mindless drones, send me ideas of stuff you want to try in Dota two but are to afraid to because you don't want people to hate you, and i will test them for you! then i will post my results (and probable beatings) on this blog so you can laugh your little heads of at my misfortune. i will also give full credit to whomever comes up with whatever stupid ideas i happen to do. SO GO FORTH MY FOLLOWERS(not that i have any at the moment) AND FETCH ME IDEAS!