August 21, 2014

Match Length

Views: 2698 NinjaBlademaster
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This might just be me, but...
are online single matches lasting for less time?

Of course, there is a possibility that it's just the matches I've been having lately are shorter by coincidence. However, I really feel (and can see) a difference!


Maybe they just feel shorter.

Well, yes they do, but when a match used to be 45-65 minutes, and now it's 30-40 (and I am using the game timer as a reference), there's something going on.

There are some theories for why this is happening that I can think of at the moment:
  1. People think the game is won when the first tower is down and get discouraged easily. This corresponds (but is not for sure connected to) me growing in skill level and being matched with more experienced players. What it might mean is that players (after playing for some time) have grown used to giving up early, which newer players might not do because they aren't familiar with when the game is lost. This isn't to say that the game is lost that early.
  2. The multi-carry team. Why does this have anything to do with anything, you might ask? Well, look at it this way: when you have 4-5 carries in one team (and no supports), no one will be able to lane or farm properly. Because of this, people decide not to lane at all. They go for early pushes and ganks because that's their only way of getting gold that they are able to do without supports.

I might just be overthinking it, but there's definitely a difference since when I started DotA 2.