5. " Autoattack " :
In the 5 th place we have "autoattack" bad habit that most of the players do in the game. They do not know how this can make changes in the game. Most of new players in dota 2 do this, either they do not know how to last hit or they are too lazy. What can be result of this? Your lane in which you are staying and farming will be pushed far away from your tower. That means the probability of enemy GANKS increased a lot.
4. "Kill steal or ks"
This habit happens so much, even in professional games you might see this kind of kill steals. They do that because at the end of the game they will have what to boast. When you play with your friends it is fun, but some players kill steal all the time. These guys give theirs spells in the last minute to get last hit. Sometimes because of this enemy might escape if you for example do not give stun first, ganks might result in fail. If you play and use his ulti in last minute, of course you get a kill, but not all the damage will be used . If lion would use ulti first , you might speed up the kill.
3. "Not to PICK Support "
Most of people decline to pick supports. Buying wards, courier, not to farm and feed, why I need this? The great impact to the game do SUPPORTS. Your carries won't be able to get their items without courier. Without good support you won't be able to control the runes without vision. All this help to avoid unexpected ganks and feeds. Other times you can just farm while pushing the lane and participate in ganks and fights. It is not that bad to play supports.
2. "Not to buy SENTRY / DUST "
Every player in the game support, carry, offlaner and etc. should always buy sentry and dust. Some people gank sniper with shadowblade and just fail the gank. Some may think that Riki is IMBA. Your teammates remember only when riki ,bh or other invis heroes when they got GOD LIKE ! However, this might be too late to buy sentries and dusts . You should always buy sentry and dust at the start of the game when you stay in the lane.
1. "Random Hero"
The most bad habit in dota 2 is PICK RANDOM ! Actually is not bad to random hero and get 200 additional golds. However, just because of just 200 gold you might ruin the game for others. Sometimes they get heroes in which they played just 2-3 times and they think they are good. At the end they just feed and get reported. Do not pick random ! If you are not pro player and don't know most of the heroes. Pick heroes what you can play and be more useful to your teammates.
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I don't think anybody likes it when people take the last hit, but sometimes you just need the gold. I have experienced games where people have just last hit kills because they wanted that big score. But I don't really see any killsteals in competitive games.
I would not agree that buying Dust of Appearance right from the start is good.
First of all - you can't deward with this. That thing is important, because if your pulling camp is blocked by the enemy ward, you can't pull, and Dust won't help you with this.
Second thing - early game is mostly about laning, so it is much better to put a Sentry Ward in lane, than randomly use Dust of Appearance to kill someone. This item just doesn't fit laning stage.
"Kill Steals" are very often really Kill Secures. You can't tell that this annoying Necrophos is Kill Stealing everytime he sees low HP hero, and he uses Reaper's Scythe just to KS. In that situation, this is for the extended death time.
And your claim, that Pro's are Kill Stealing on purpose... Please, don't embarass yourself. Sometimes it's better for a support to get a kill, because he won't get farm in lane, and if it's a semi-greedy support (like Earthshaker) that needs at least 1 core item, then it's a good call to let him get a killing blow.
About the randoming - I am quite against randoming in general, but your advice to not random unless you are a professional is just silly. I would recommend randoming ASAP, so your team can work around it (if they are willing to).
I would add that a bad habit in Dota is using all stuns at once. Timing disables poorly is one of the most annoying things I experienced, but fortunately in my current games it is rather unusual.
EDIT: I also read some of your blog. It's... funny, at best. Laughable.
2. You should never buy both sentries and dust at the beginning of the game. Sentries to deward, Dust if you know for sure that Brood is in your lane.
1. Random Hero is not a habit, nor is it bad in any way. It forces you to play new heroes which helps you learn.