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I'd recommend Lion, he's a good Support who can sustain his own Mana Pool thanks to Mana Drain, his Stun may be difficult to use, but Finger of Death is soooo much fun <3
Other than that, as Peppo suggested, Lich and Crystal Maiden are also great picks. With Dazzle make sure you're not accidentally Pushing the Lane with Healing Wave and you should be fine with him. I would avoid picking Tidehunter unless in a 5 stack, since landing Ravage properly is extremely important in matches and you may get flamed if you make a simple mistake with it 8(
Take a look at this guide (hopefully the link will get fixed soon) made by Purge: not only it shows you good Heroes to start with, but also gives useful tips for unexperienced people! This helped me a lot when I started playing Dota.
If you can't see the guide, let me suggest you a couple of Heroes: Lich, Crystal Maiden, Dazzle and Tidehunter: they, like Warlock, are supports and can be very good for ganking (especially CM); they also have a big AoE ultimate that can hit multiple enemies at once.
DOTAFire is the place to find the perfect build guide to take your game to the next level. Learn how to play a new hero, or fine tune your favorite DotA hero’s build and strategy.
Other than that, as Peppo suggested,
If you can't see the guide, let me suggest you a couple of Heroes: