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Mort is the clear carry to pick if you want to gank a lot instead of ricing. But who picks a carry to gank?
MORT IS A TERRIBLE GANKER - mid game ie level 11 onwards, she has some potential, but she is still better off farming.
'gank' potential on a carry, mort's are not great.
FV has a great walk range, bash AND chrono
Spec - ulti and dagger.
The range carries like morphling deal better, faster and strong burst damage, before mort even gets a chance to start hitting.
Phantom Assassin is full **** for the first 50 minutes. Ruins teams in ****ing pub play.
Phantom Assassin Pickers go to ****ing hell, ****ing ***** ****** noobs... Any ****ing carry can do Phantom Assassin's job better. That ****ing ***** hero useless **** ****, She hasn't been picked in serious play for ****ing 4 years so who gives ****s...
Rage level - 400% Crit :)
Mort is a pub stomper, but in competitive she will just get shat on and ganked refusely..
Chaos Knight is going to be a meta-changer. Especially for them Chinese. Gyro is trash. Mort is going to be a meta-changer. Especially for them pubs.
This is pretty much my opinion as well until I see some big Gyrocopter play. I do hope to see Phantom Assassin in competitive at least every now and then. Always had a soft spot for that hero.
No change to meta - the line up is still in favor of push strat. Phantom Assassin - nothing, too many other good heroes that need dedicated farm like FV, AM, SPEC. Phantom Assassin has way too little to offer until she has full items. Gyrocopter - maybe seen in competitive - he's an excellent pusher, and can destroy an entire wave of creeps when he has aganims, AND can cast it from anywhere. He adds nicely to the existing push strat. works in favor of both push and counter push strat. Chaos Knight - will also be seen, excellent ganker, with good MS, also a great pusher, with good skills regardless of items (unlike Phantom Lancer ) good ganker, with a few basic items, or can continue to farm and take on an mid game carry role. good flexibility.
not meta changing, and they all will not be auto-ban, auto-pick - but I am sure they will be seen quite regularly.
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Mort is the clear carry to pick if you want to gank a lot instead of ricing. But who picks a carry to gank?
MORT IS A TERRIBLE GANKER - mid game ie level 11 onwards, she has some potential, but she is still better off farming.
'gank' potential on a carry, mort's are not great.
FV has a great walk range, bash AND chrono
Spec - ulti and dagger.
The range carries like morphling deal better, faster and strong burst damage, before mort even gets a chance to start hitting.
Rage level - 400% Crit :)
Mort is a pub stomper, but in competitive she will just get shat on and ganked refusely..
No Rubick? :(
Chaos Knight is going to be a meta-changer. Especially for them Chinese. Gyro is trash. Mort is going to be a meta-changer. Especially for them pubs.
This is pretty much my opinion as well until I see some big
not meta changing, and they all will not be auto-ban, auto-pick - but I am sure they will be seen quite regularly.
Chaos Knight is going to be a meta-changer. Especially for them Chinese. Gyro is trash. Mort is going to be a meta-changer. Especially for them pubs.