April 13, 2012

Still working on new guides ...

Views: 3006 iN7.Ganker
+Rep Report

Hello guys

For those of you who followed me over the last couple of months, probably not so many people, sadly. Might have noticed I just released a new guide on dotafire.

iN7.Ganker's guide to Alchemist

If you care about supporting me or you just like to be up to date with what I am doing, you might consider subscribeing to my youtube channel.

As you guys might know I put dozens of hours and days into a guide as big as this one and I would really appreciate if you guys could leave a comment in the comment section below and/or rate the guide.

I am constantly working on improvements and if you have any ideas for me on how to improve my guides, please let me know in the comments below this blog.

Thanks for takeing the time to read this and the support you might put into my guide via the rating or comments. Thanks!

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