November 02, 2012

The Viability of Anti-Carry Builds on Initiators

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As a new member of DotaFire and DotA 2 as well I have decided that I need to actually bring a contribution aside from comments or applying for inhouses. My first idea was of course to make a guide but seeing as I am very new and probably using builds that work only in public games against other new players like me I decided to pass.

Instead however I decided to do a bit of thinking concerning initiator builds. The current standard is to build initiators extremely tanky with a hint of support in order to survive the fight and contribute towards the team, a new thought has hit me recently however.

Specifically whether it is viable to forgo the support items in favour of damage items. More specifically creating a builds that still retains a lot of the common build's tankiness with items such as Heart of Tarrasque, Vanguard or any other item that causes heroes to become hard to kill and to pair those items up with damage items which seem like they can fit in with this build, namely Heaven's Halberd, Abyssal Blade and whatever else works.

Of course I am not suggesting to build as a semi-carry as attack speed can become a wasted stat if it does not contribute to your tankiness however I believe that as the first person to enter the fray the initiator can do more good by weakening the enemy carry severely or otherwise straight up murdering them.

I know that this won't work on some initiators (namely low commitment initiators) as well as the fact that anti-carries exist, most of the straight up anti-carries however tend not to be initiators (correct me if I'm wrong here). I want to know if my idea holds any weight or is it just a stupid result of me being a little sick.