August 10, 2012


Views: 2488 Glayde
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Glayde  |  Zephyr  |  new  |  blog
Hey everyone, just wanted to say HELLO DOTA COMMUNITY! Here's a small introduction about myself (mainly my gaming background):

Most of you will know me as Zephyr, but my previous username was Glayde. Glayde is also my username on various other games. I also play League of Legends (ID is Glayde, Level 30, PM if you wanna ranked :D), and I might start playing HoN soon, just to try it out. I used to play some FPS, but not so much anymore.

I guess I play pretty well, I usually get a decent score. I usually play nukers (Nyx, Lina), but I also play some other heroes, like Furion or Lich (Lich is still a nuker..right?). In LoL, I play a wide variety of champions. I usually play AP Mid or jungle, but in 3v3 (RL friends ranked team) I go semitank. I main Ahri, Lux and Xerath for AP Mids, Skarner and Nocturne jungle, and Mundo/Blitz semitank.

Hopefully I don't get flamed for playing LoL, but if I do, whatever :3