So the first question is "Do you think a meta game will develop in Dota 2?"
Well in my opinion Dota 2 will have a certain form of meta game. Like we see now there are plenty of different types of Dota teams. We see the pushing teams, ganking teams, and turtling teams. Now what I'm wondering is, Will people only want to play pushing teams because their favourite team does it? Now my friend "Timeslime" mentioned this and I was really intrigued. Because nowadays there are several ways of watching your favourite teams play, through live streams and youtube. So like in LoL, how many people try to copy their favourite players after watching them RAPE as a certain person (Amazing aoe fights, all man counter jungle, Shaco counter jungling). So since Dota 2 is being introduced in a new era of live streams, will new players to Dota 2 follow the pro players to the core? Or will it not develop a meta, since players are more interested in their own style?
I think that a Meta will most likely start, for example, When I play LoL alot, I used to read alot of MOBAFIRE guides and follow them to a core. Due to that I could not expand on my own experiences since I was so focused of that certain build. Because of this I feel like new players to Dota 2 like myself, will follow the pro players to the bone and make a meta. Once one person wins a game pushing hard early, the person that lost will think "Oh maybe I should do that" then that will keep on going until its imprinted into this game. But all of this is just my opinion :p
So if anyone has their own answers/questions please comment below and tell me!
Anyways, there seem to be several concrete metagames in competitive play (not gonna type em, my fingers are cold =( ) but after playing some 300 public games, I've found that there really is no specific metagame.
The metagame in dota 2 will most definitely not develop in the same way that LoL will because LoL has a very definitive map that essentially punishes people for being in a wrong lane (i.e. hard carry top = gg).
Certain heros are expected to play in certain lanes in dota 2, like tinker or night stalker mid, or jungle nai'x, but all of these heros still work well in other lanes and in multiple roles (to some degree) so they still impact the game, at least in "pubs".
Also, DOTA 2 players seem to be more opinionated then the mindless sheep that LoL has bred, and so qq'ing at someone for cm jungling is not likely to change his/her mindset to that of a specific meta.
That was my spiel.. nice blog
Meta game:
Pick Anti-Mage
Get Bfury
Farm all day jungle
See enemy picking Magina, pick void sk alch or almost any other carry, farm all day jungle and laugh at Magina who deals no dmg compared to you when u have equal farm
Pick Anti-Mage
Get Bfury
Farm all day jungle