April 15, 2013
Looking for 3 Medium Skilled Players
Views: 2552
My team and I are recruiting for a team that is pretty versatile. We have both played many heroes, and want to play in team games because pubs are terrible. Even though we want everyone, we can't because of time differences. Because of this, there are some requirements. You must go by eastern standard or central time (U.S), speak good English, have a working mic, be willing to get skype, and be between the ages of 14 and 20. If you're interested and meet the requirements, add me at
http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198067121446/ or reply on here. Thanks, Ascuns.
I can join!!!
Been playing dota for about a year I think
Add me if you want :D
steam name is sSector5
steam id: nohanmeza