January 05, 2012
LOL or HoN?
Views: 8802
When I first started playing Dota 2, I expect there to be many people from HoN, LOL, and Dota. However, I am mostly just seeing HoN players and a few old time Dota people. I was somewhat curious to see if this is because people felt HoN was closer to the original Dota or if the LOL people are just more stisfied sticking with playing LOL. I personally have played all of them and find both LOL and Dota the most satisfying, but as soon as Dota 2 came out in beta I wanted to get my hands on a key and transition back to Dota style play in Dota 2.
What are anyone elses thoughts on the matter?
TL;DR Which is better HoN or LOL, and why did you switch to Dota 2?
LoL has copied many mechanics from other games.
1) The interaction between Grave's smoke bomb thingy and Nocturne, copied from Dota 2. Funnily enough it was introduced after Dota 2 Beta was released. [The interaction I was talking about http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=BWzyB4xe7Y8#t=267s]
2) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eyNjBNoY6V0
Well if u remember that actually the lol developers were originally working on an early version of dota,,, they are kinda the inventors - so everyone else stole...
and yet i dont understand all this fuzz about who stole from who... does it matter? Why shouldnt good ideas be evolved or copied? Its just good for us gamers...
"if i want dota - i play dota not a poor copy"
then i tried lol and i was like
"yeah lets try a round looks kinda comic but whatever"
"ok one more game for the level up and the new rune..."
two years later and approx 2k+ games i thought
"hmm iam rly not sure if dota2 will be able to pull me back so little seemed to have evolved"
I got my invitation and started playing dota2. It feels like meeting old friends - the champions in dota are awesome (although wtf did u do to sandking he looks like a dog?!) and the feeling is very intense - sometimes even to intense - but he reason for this is that i need to readapt...
So will i stick to dota or will i stick to lol? I think ill end up with both cause although its the same genre... these are totaly different game types... :)
Cons : To many l33tists, Looking cool costs moneyz, Personal opinion (Lack of items) certain Heroes are Forced to play certain styles.
1. Looking cool costs money. Not really a con
2. Lack of items? I believe its simply people pick up the same items over and over again simply because its the best. ie Trinity Force. Anyone see Tiamat picked up?
LoL has copied many mechanics from other games.
1) The interaction between Grave's smoke bomb thingy and Nocturne, copied from Dota 2. Funnily enough it was introduced after Dota 2 Beta was released. [The interaction I was talking about http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=BWzyB4xe7Y8#t=267s]
2) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eyNjBNoY6V0
LoL was more competitive Then Hon Will ever be, The fact that LoL Had a Box release in stores and had from the Creators of Dota drew the Attention of many people,
Pros :-It was New, New Hero's, Creeps Give Personal Buffs, Toony Graphics, And Creators really cared about there Game
Cons : To many l33tists, Looking cool costs moneyz, Personal opinion (Lack of items) certain Heroes are Forced to play certain styles.
Hon On the Other hand was made very similar to Dota down to Hero Moves and abilities,
Pros: Clean Graphics, Similar hero's to Dota Just 10% tweaked to avoid copyright hahha, Items the same, The feel was very similar.
Cons : To many foreign people mixed in to Us Servers and Vice-Versa, took to long to get auto matching, unlike LoL or Dota2. If watched correctly HoN Copies LoL in advertising and marketing making it free to play then releases hero's to buy.
Over I personally Think LoL is a better game then HoN because its different and More Loved by Riot GAmes, While HoN is just a wanabe Dota 2 that is now going to lose its fans to teh true game.
I played Dota on Wc3 and Then Dota on TFT Dota is the Best.
5 years ago I playd my first MOBA game
and it was DOTA i relly loved the idea but didnt have fun
2 Years ago I Found about LOL Say the True its was same like dota and i didnt like it
but when i start playing i had so much fun and i playing antil this day
3 weeks ago i get my Beta key for DOTA 2 i relly liked the game when i saw pepoles playing dota 2
this game rocks, the game is harder for me but its epic