So I've been thinking which one is better to work on either team ganks/helping the team out, or pushing towers....I know both is very important so....possibly a mix of teamwork and pushing?
But in all Towers are the key part into winning right??
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Admiral Chocobos |
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Team synergy at the end of the day is best = go into a CM match and know what it is you are looking to do (push, turtle/fram, gank), not just think of the best 5 heroes from a pub point of view. like
Also, try not to screw over your carry's lane while they are farming early game. Destroying a tower too early makes a lane that much more dangerous to farm in.
If your team is not particularly push-oriented, then ganking or teamfighting will also allow you to push down towers because of your flat out hero advantage. In a typical pub, this is what usually happens. Quite simply, ganking/teamfights provide opportunities to push. Pushing provides some gold and map control. And map control, when utilized properly, wins most games.
If you're pushing hard, you want to force a fight especially if you have strong heroes that dominate early-mid game but still transition pretty well into late like Lycan or Enigma. Lycan and Engima can push pretty hard with their summons, Windrunner is very strong at all stages of the game with powerful pokes and good stun and versatile builds, Earthshaker does well with stopping any engagement and pushes, Sand King does well at destroying the entire team, Chen has global heal, oh-****-button and annoying minions, etc.
that's what I think at least