Everytime I would be stuck with a bunch of losers.
I'm extremely happy to say that after around 14 consecutive matches with 12 wins and 2 losses I just raised my winrate from if i remember correctly 30 something pathetic % to a full 50% .
New Goal is now 60%, I'll keep you people updated :D
My dotabuff
My current success goals at the moment are 80% Winrate with Ancient Apparition and getting my Party MMR over 3k and beyond! 65% and 2750ish so far with both climbing. Finally found a great 5-stack to play Ranked Games in! 8{D
Well, I made no progress because whenever I pick Luna (or any other carry for that matter), 4 other carries on my team :(.
Sometimes you strike gold though, this one morphling game, didnt get that many noobs on my team, wrecked the enemy for daring to lane a sniper against me.
My only death was when dazzle absent mindedly left me in a smoke cloud under a tower, 1 heal and i was gonna be home free.