6.85 is coming soon. Most likely next week. It will be a balance update in preparation for the Majors Qualifier.
A bigger gameplay update 6.86 will be sometime after the Majors in November.
A moment of silence for the most balanced patch in a long time, gonna miss this patch.
Well you guys can forget MAJOR changes untill well , the major :P
As for
Fun game though, its way more fun playing a
Link to the game.
Please stay away from
What I would love though -
How could we stay away from glimmerati cape?
As it stands now, you dont even need to face the person you want to put the active on!.
It is comparable kunkka's
We LOVE the cape.
And i do feel ya.
As for
Fun game though, its way more fun playing a
Link to the game.
Please stay away from
What I would love though -
Because like 80% of the hero pool is in a good place, and just need gameplay shifts to buff.
Also if you have all hero challenge on Lesh or Bloodseeker do it now before they are nerfed.
ice frog be like:
leshrac - pulse nova rate decreased by .1 seconds , increased lightning mana cost by 10
blood - thirst now gives 1 less damage per percent
Leshrac and Lina say hi.
On the other end you also have TB and Alch saying hi.
You will find yourself smiling. But not always for the reasons you desired. Just the ones you actually needed.
By the way guys, if like me you're crying over the poor underpowered
Morph is literally the most broken hero in this mode. 10000 range
Won't make Morph stronger in normal dota.
But dumpstering some kids with dagon
Many people disagree, but thats just my opinion. I had a much easier time dealing with troll and sniper conpared to lesh.